Joel Hills Johnson - Journal(covering 21 Apr 1857 to 21 Dec 1858)
I started on Tuesday 21st for Council Bluffs City in company with Sister Babbitt and family and a young man by the name of Robert Reed who drove for her a team of four mules, while I drove a span of horses. We crossed the Little Mountain, and camped in the canyon about three or four miles from the foot of Big Mountain.
Wednesday 22nd. We started early in the morning and safely reached the top of the Big Mountain at 12 o'clock, and found the snow on the east side from ten to fifteen feet deep and very soft. Therefore, we concluded to wait until the next morning, hoping to find the snow frozen so that we could go down on the crust. Here we took our last view of the sweet valley of Ephriam until we should return. While reflecting on the subject, I went by myself and offered up my thanks in prayer to my father in heaven for the blessings I have received while living in those valleys, and also for his protecting hand to bring me safe back, when my mission is filled, to my family and mountain home. I then returned to my wagon and sat down and wrote the following lines: Farewell to my sweet mountain home
With sorrow my feelings are touched
To leave thee with strangers to roam
And head thee so often reproached.
While here on the big mountain top
I take my last glimpse of the free
My feelings are buoyant with hope
That I'll soon return unto thee.
Though enemies curse thee and rave
My love for thee none can disclose
And all are to Satan a slave
Whoever thy welfare oppose.
While thou shalt be blest of the God
Thy foes into hell shall be turned
For none shall escape his fierce rod
That ever thy children have spurned.
A large company of apostates passed down the mountain today, some capsized and some broke their wagon tongues, etc.
Thursday 23rd. We had our breakfast early and started down the mountain. The sun arose very hot and snow began to melt. Our company consisted of 5 men and 5 wagons, with families, who all told me that they intended to return again the next spring, but in reality were apostates. One of our company broke a wagon tongue a short distance down the mountain, but we went ahead without any accident. About two miles down we overtook the apostates company in camp, we unharnessed our teams, and went back to help down the other wagon. We found in an apostate camp a little girl about 16 months old, smothered to death by having a pan of dough turned over her head while asleep, by the rock of wagons coming down the mountain. She was rolled up in a buffalo skin, and buried high upon the side of the mountain. Rest little stranger, sweetly rest
Beneath the mountain snow
Where no intruder can molest
Or any earthly foe.
Sweet, lovely babe, thou here must lay
High on the mountain top
And sleep the lonely years away
'Till Michael wakes thee up.
No mother's hand can strew thy grave
With flowers, or tears can shed,
Or cause the willows bough to wave
Above thy peaceful head.
In a few hours the other wagons were brought down to the place where we stopped. We then harnessed up our horses and pursued our journey down the mountain. The road was dreadful, for torrents of water from melting snow came rushing down through every gulch and washed away the dirt and gravel in the road and left nothing but high rocks against which the water dashed and threw foam several feet in the air. Down this current and over these rocks, we had to roll our wagons, expecting every moment to be smashed up, but through the blessing of heaven we arrived safe in the canyon below, about the afternoon and found a good road, although the stream was high. We crossed the stream thirteen times, with the water up to our wagon boxes, and we camped for the night here where it passes through the mountains into the Weber river.
Friday 24th. We started after breakfast, and found a good road to the Weber river, where we crossed about 11 o'clock. The water was high and rapid but we crossed over without accident, and stopped two hours to let our teams feed after which we went on and at 5 o'clock we camped in Echo canyon. Though journeying long on rocks and stones
And walking in the snow
Has made so sore my flesh and bones
I scarce can sit or go,
Yet, God, my Father, hears my prayers
And makes His grace abound
To keep me safe from every snare
And heal my every wound.
For which I thank His holy name
With all my heart and soul
His love doth still my heart inflame
And all my life control.
Saturday 25th. My sister's son, Almon W. was sick all night with cholera morbus, but was better in the morning. We started after breakfast and traveled slow, and nooned towards the upper end of Echo Canyon and in the afternoon we passed over several snow banks and crossed Bear River about sundown and camped on the east side. We had a cold north wind through the afternoon and night. The water froze in the water bucket two inches.
Heavenly Father, let thy spirit
Sweetly in my bosom rest
Though I feel I do not merit
O, my Father, to be blest.
Guide! Oh! Guide me through my journey
While with strangers I shall roam
When my mission ends, return me
Safely to my mountain home.
Sunday 26th. Started very early, cold all the forenoon. Nooned at Coperas Spring's and arrive at the first creek south of Fort Bridger a little before sunset and camped for the night. The new moon was our evening lamp
The wind blew cold and high
And when at morn, we left our camp
Dark clouds obscured the sky.
With sunrays hid and ground froze deep
We rolled over ice and snow
From freezing we could scarcely keep
The wind so cold did blow.
Monday 27th. Very cold throughout the night. The sun rose clear, having all the appearance of February. Started after breakfast and nooned at the crossing of the stream 16 miles east of Fort Bridger. My joints are weak and badly swelled
Through suffering cold and chill
Yet duty calls and I'm compelled
My mission to fulfill.
I'm sent to call my kindred home
From lands where strife prevails
And counsel all who wish to come
To Ephriam's peaceful vales.
We camped for the night at Hams Fork, having traveled through the day over 30 miles.
Tuesday 28th. Left camp at 8 o'clock in the morning, and arrived at Green River at one o'clock, and turned out our teams to feed on no grass as we have not found any of consequence since we left the Weber. Felt very lonesome all day and could not suppress tears and felt more my dependence on God than ever for his directing hand to attend me on my mission until I return to my mountain home. Crossed Green River at 3 o'clock and started on our journey. Oh! my Father, Thou hast known me
Ever since my heavenly birth
As a son then canst Thou own me
In my pilgrimage on earth.
Oft' I've felt and cried my leanness
When I though upon Thy grace
And when viewing life's past sceneries
Grief and sham has blushed my face.
Yet I call Thee, Father, Father!
Claiming still to be Thy son
And to meet Thee with my Mother
When my work on earth is done.
We camped on the Big Sandy for the night without feed. The wind was blowing very cold and high through the night.
Wednesday 29th. Started a little before 8 o'clock and traveled on 6 or 7 miles where we came to the bend of the Big Sandy on the right side of the road, and turned out our teams to feed on little or no grass. We started on at one o'clock and camped for the night at the next crossing of the Big Sandy. The weather extremely cold with high north winds and occasional snow squalls. I never suffered more in my life with cold in the same length of time than in the past week. Such pain in my head I have suffered today.
No tongue that is mortal can tell.
Through cold and exposure while wending my way
To bring up my kinsmen from hell.
Thursday 30th. Started at 8 o'clock in the morning and arrived at the Little Sandy about ten o'clock, and camped for the day and wrote back to my family and also to David Labaren of Salt Lake City. Absence from the one I love causes many lonesome hours. My love for my family no one can tell
Who knows not a Father's fond heart
When called on with sorrow to bid them farewell
And from my sweet home depart.
Yet God in His mercy, my way will direct
While I was among strangers shall roam
From foes who would harm me His hand will protect
And bring me again to my home.
Friday, May 1st. We concluded to stay in camp today as we have good feed, wood, and water, and start our journey tomorrow morning. Apostates in Camp
Apostates in camp, we oft pass by the way
Who tremble lest vengeance upon them shall fall
With anti-Christ's spirit more bitter are they
Than hell or quintessence of wormwood and gall.
Saturday 2nd. We started at a little before 8 o'clock and camped at night at Pacific Creek. We have passed banks of snow in the road or beside it every day since we left the Big Mountain.
Sunday 3rd. We left camp a little before 8 o'clock, fell very lonesome traveling with apostates. No meetings, no prayers, no sweet songs of praise to God our Heavenly Father. We nooned at first crossing of the Sweetwater. In the afternoon in trying to cross a snow bank, swamped the horses but got them out without much difficulty, but had to go a mile to get round it. We camped near Willow Creek. We had to stop on account of a snow bank and wait until morning to go over on the crust.
Monday 4th. Started at 8 o'clock and passed over the snow bank on the crust, but had to chop ice and shovel snow two hours or more before we could get our wagons over the creek. We came on to a branch of the Sweetwater in about two miles. Here we had to run our wagons by hand over a snow bank from ten to fifteen feet deep which we did without much difficulty. We then came to Strawberry creek and nooned. In the afternoon we had many very bad snow banks to pass over or round, and we had found before for 200 miles. Traveling with apostates, how uncongenial is the spirit that they possess with the principles of life and salvation, how lonesome. Ah. lonesome, yes to be with those
Whose words and acts dissemble
For those who flee from Zion's cause
Do often fear or tremble.
Tuesday 5th. Got under way at 8 o'clock and traveled about ten miles nooned on the Sweetwater at the ford. While the teams were feeding, I walked up the river a short distance and found a grave containing five persons, four of them died on the 19th and one on the 20th of October, 1856. They belonged to one of the handcart companies. The wolves had uncovered one end of the grave, and exposed some part of the bodies. I gave a young man 50 cents to fill up the grave again. We camped for the night on the river at the next crossing. Though on the plains lies their remains
Their blessings cannot fail
They've only gone, to forward on
Their work behind the veil.
Wednesday 6th. We started about the usual time and crossed the Sweetwater three times, and turned out our teams for noon. In the afternoon we passed by a grave where there had been several persons buried belonging to one of the hand cart companies. The wolves had dug up and devoured them as their grave clothes and pieces of their bones were scattered around the grave. We camped for the night on the river. Though flesh and bones of righteous ones
By wolves may be devoured
They shall again with Christ to reign
In glory be restored.
Thursday 7th. Started at 8 o'clock and arrived at Devil's Gate about noon, and concluded to stop until Steward's trail came up. The south wind blew almost a hurricane through the day.
Friday 8th. Very cold and windy through the night with cold wind and freezing through the day. Sister Babbitt had a severe chill in the afternoon.
Saturday 9th. Wind low but quite cold. Weather gloomy. Sister Babbitt had another chill and considerable fever followed. Very cold at night with ice in the ice streams. Had to keep my head covered to keep my nose and ears from stinging with the cold.
Sunday 10th. Very cold still. My sisters health much improved. The missionaries, 72 in number, today arrived with handcarts. Teams constantly arriving and unloading flour and loading goods all day. The mail from Salt Lake City left here today.
Monday 11th. The missionaries started on their journey today at 12 o'clock.
Go ye sons of Zion swiftly
Bind the law in every land
Seal the testimony faithful
As the Lord doth thee command
Then the gospel shall be taken
From the gentiles, saith the Lord
And to all the house of Israel
In its fullness be restored.
Tuesday 12th. About 50 wagons arrived today laden with flour for the mail stations. The most of them are going to return to the city with goods in store at this place. The balance of them are going to the stakes for goods. Snow and rain all the afternoon.
Wednesday 13th. Very stormy through the night, but some prospect of better weather this morning. Teams very busy most of the day in loading goods.
Thursday 14th. We started on our journey at ten o'clock in company of 21 wagons commanded by Captain Winson. We had several squalls of rain and hail in the course of the afternoon. We camped at about 4 o'clock for the night at Greasewood creek. Now since, Oh Lord, we're on our way
By Thy kind hands direction
We look to Thee by night and day
For safety and protection.
Friday 15th. This morning when the company got up their teams, the four horses which detained us until about 10 o'clock. Soon after we started it commenced to storm severely, and after traveling about 4 or 5 miles we fell in with a company of Crow Indians, who detained us until about 2 o'clock. We then went on and camped for the night at Willow Springs in a severe snow storm. Snow in the morning on the ground two inches deep and ice frozen in the bucket nearly two inches thick.
Saturday 16th. We started about 8 o'clock, and drove to the Platt, where we camped for the night. I never felt more love and gratitude to my Heavenly Father or more of His good spirit than today in my life.
Sunday 17th. We started at the usual time and came to the fording place on the Platt, but found the river too high to ford. We then went down and crossed at the bridge by paying three dollars per wagon. We drove a few miles below and camped for the night. I felt quite unwell and lonesome, yet enjoyed a good degree of the spirit of the Lord. We had a meeting in the evening and there was a good spirit among the brethren. To a Human Skull Found on our camp grounds.
Whose was this skull and what his fate
When he with life was animate?
What was his name and where did he dwell
Wast white, or red, none now can tell.
What was his sorrows, toils and cares?
His occupation, grief and fears?
What did he love the most on earth?
Was it his God or sensual mirth?
All these are questions now unknown
While his poor skull lies here alone.
Or rolled about upon the earth
As though to him it n'er had a worth.
Monday 18th. We started at the usual time and traveled about 25 miles and camped on the Platt. Cottonwood trees, shrubbery and all kinds of vegetation is not as forward on the Platt at this date as they were in Iron County when I left home on the sixth day of April.
Tuesday 19th. We left camp at 8 o'clock and nooned at a small dry stream and camped for the night on the west fork of the Labonte river. Here is a good place for a station.
Wednesday 20th. Left camp at the usual hour and come on the main Labonte river and there we met the mail with George A. Smith, Dr. Bernhisel, T.O. Angel, and many others on their way to G.S.L. City. We stopped about two hours in which time I wrote a few lines back to my family and friends and forwarded them by Dr. Bernhisel. We then came on to the Platt River and camped for the night at about 2 o'clock. I felt all day so lonesome
In spirit too depressed
I could not cease from weeping
'Till slumber gave me rest.
Thursday 21st. Arose early in the morning and the weather was very clear and beautiful. I took a walk and looked about and found we were camped in a beautiful rich bottom at least three miles long and from one and a half to two miles wide. We started from camp at the usual time and traveled on to Porter's Station at Horse Creek, where we arrived at 10 o'clock and stopped for the day to make tar. Here the company left about three tons of flour and twelve men.
Friday 22nd. Very clear and fine morning. Some of our animals could not be found so as to start before nine o'clock, at which time we started on our journey and traveled until about three o'clock and camped for the night on the Platt within ten miles of Fort Laramie.
Saturday 23rd. Started a little before 8 o'clock. I went ahead and arrived at Fort Laramie at a little before ten o'clock. Myself and Sister Babbitt went to see the commander of the Post in order to get some information in regards to the murder of her husband, A.W. Babbitt, by the Indians. My sister requested him to make a statement in writing of the information that he had received through the French traders from the Indians in regard to the matter which he at first promised to do, but afterwards sent for me and told me that he would do nothing about it. He said that he had no doubt that the Indians killed and plundered Col. Babbitt. I am confident that the reason why he was unwilling to make a written statement of the matter was that he was afraid he would loose favor in the eyes of those who were opposed to the inhabitants of Utah. We purchased a few necessaries and drove about ten miles down the river and camped for the night.
Sunday 24th. Started early and drove until a little past ten o'clock and turned out for noon. I constantly feel grateful to my Heavenly Father for his blessings to me on the journey. Father I will praise Thy name,
'Till my life on earth is o'er.
May Thy love my heart inflame
From henceforth forevermore.
When my work on earth is done
Oh receive me home to Thee!
To be crowned Thy heir and son,
May my gift and blessing be.
While we were nooning a mountaineer drove up and told us that there was about 3,000 Cheyenne Indians camped near the road in the vicinity of Ash Hollow, and that there was 500 lodges in one place, and 300 in another. This information frightened Sister Babbitt and she thought we had better turn back to Laramie, and wait a while until the soldiers who were expected should come up. I told her that I would return if she requested it, but I thought we had better keep with the company until the next morning, and we might hear something more favorable, to which she consented and so we started on at about one o'clock. In the afternoon we met another mountaineer who said that there was but 300 lodges of Indians in all and represented the danger as being much less than what the others had. We camped for the night at Horse Creek, and had a meeting of the camp in the evening and all seemed to be in good spirits and thought we had better proceed together.
Monday 25th. We started early in the morning and drove about two miles when we met another mountaineer with two wagons drawn by oxen who had been all winter trading with the Cheyenne Indians. He told us that the other mountaineers had lied, for the was no Cheyenne Indians near the road. They had heard that soldiers were being sent against them and they were moving back on to the Arkansas River to prepare for war. We thought his story looked the most like truth, however, we kept up a good night watch and day, with the strong guard about our animals. At night we camped a little above Chimney Rock.
Tuesday 26th. We started at the usual time and passed Chimney Rock at about nine o'clock, and a few miles below we overtook a company of nine wagons and nineteen men mostly apostates who left us at Devil's Gate and went ahead. When they came thus far, were afraid of the Indians stopped for us to come up. Agreeable to their wishes we took them into our company. We traveled today about 30 miles and camped in a large bottom on the Platt about half a mile from the road. Our company now consisted of 28 wagons, and 54 men, 9 women and 22 children, and 175 horses and mules.
Wednesday 27th. This morning we crossed the Platt to the north side of the river. At this point the river is full three fourths of a mile wide. The whole camp was over a little before ten o'clock. We thought it more safe to go down on the north side than to pass through Ash Hollow and over the South Platt which is said to be more infested with Indians than the North side. We drove about six miles and turned out for noon. Some of the company discovered a buffalo a short distance down the river and after him some of our hunters were soon under way. They over took him and shot him directly, but the wolves had made such havoc of his sten and winter of his maw that he was not fit for use and was abandoned. We saw several others on the distant hills in the afternoon but did not attack them. We came to Crab Creek and camped for the night.
Thursday 28th. Very cold with a good deal of frost and ice. We started an hour earlier than the usual time, traveled 18 miles and turned out for noon. In the afternoon we traveled about two or three miles below Ash Hollow and camped for the night.
Friday 29th. We started at half past seven o'clock and had not gone far before we saw two antelope between the train and the river, which was close by. The wagons halted and some of the boys shot them both. It was quite cloudy and threatened rain all forenoon. We came to Crooked Creek about 18 miles and turned out for noon, but the clouds began to thicken and wind to raise, and we soon had a heavy squall of wind, hail and rain. In the afternoon or towards evening, we passed by an Indian village of about 30 lodges. They appeared very friendly and wanted us to camp in their neighborhood and trade with them. We accordingly camped for the night about one hundred rods from their village.
Saturday 30th. Early this morning the Indian men, women and children were in our camp by scores to beg and trade. We gave them bread and flour and such things as we could spare, and traded some and smoked the pipe of peace with them. Started on our way at about 8 o'clock. The north wind blew almost a hurricane through the entire day and stripped some of the wagon covers all to strings. We traveled today about 28 miles, and camped for the night on the north bluff fork of the Platt. Today we met the first train of California emigrants with about 1000 head of young stock. Two trains also went up the south side of the river. I feel to thank the Lord for his goodness thus far on my journey. Still Oh! my God remembers me,
While on life's waves I'm tossed
My hope and confidence in thee
Is all I have to boast.
I have no virtues of my own
Against my sins to plead
And shouldst Thou my poor name disown
Thou wouldst be just indeed.
My works of righteousness appear
Like filthy rags for me
If e'er a crown of life I wear
'Twill be Thy gift to me.
Sunday 31st. Cold north wind, and stormy. Started at the usual time. This afternoon we crossed many bad sloughs and traveled about 13 miles, and turned out our teams to feed for noon. Very cold through the day. We traveled about 27 miles and camped for the night. Many cattle and teams passed up the river on both sides today. Several Indians came into camp to swap buffalo meat for flour.
June 1st. Started at the usual time and tracked about fourteen or fifteen miles and turned out our teams for noon. Weather quite pleasant in the afternoon. We traveled about 28 miles today, and camped for the night. Many emigrants trains with thousands of heads of cattle passed up the river today.
Tuesday 2nd. We started early and drove to Buffalo Creek, and turned out our teams for noon. In the afternoon we drove about 8 or 10 miles and camped for the night near two emigrant trains, driving stock to California.
Wednesday 3rd. Captain Winson concluded to stay in camp this forenoon and hunt buffalo, and soon 12 or 15 men were on a hunting expedition, and returned with several horses laden with beef. Three of the men stayed out until near sunset which kept us in camp. We then harnessed up our teams and traveled about seven miles to better feed and camped for the night near a camp of emigrants. The far off land of gold and strife,
How many to it go?
While riches of eternal life
They never care to know.
Thursday 4th, We started early and came to the ford of the river, near the head of Grand Island, at which we arrived a little past 12 o'clock and here we concluded to stop until we could cross the river to Fort Kearney, and do some business and make some additions to our stock of supplies. Today we have passed about 4,500 head of cattle with many wagons and families on their way to the land of Gold. And I think that double that amount passed up the other side of the river.
Friday 5th. This morning we started early to cross the river to Fort Kearney. We crossed one part of the river about 15 or 20 rods wide on to Grand Island, which is two miles wide at this point. We then came to the main river and crossed it while that water in many places ran over the tip of our wagon box. The main river is about one and a half miles wide. We saw Captain Wharton and obtained from him a bundle of papers belonging to the late A.W. Babbitt, Secretary of Utah. Said papers were picked up on the ground where Mr. Babbitt was murdered, by some French traders who delivered them to Captain Wharton, he reserving five drafts amounting to one thousand dollars each and one note of some over eight thousand dollars which he had been ordered to return to Washington City. Captain Wharton and Lady said that they had no doubt but what Col Babbitt was murdered by the Indians and he promised to send Mrs. Babbitt a written statement of facts gathered from Indian traders in reference to the matter, but she never heard anything more from the Captain. We purchased a few necessaries and returned across the river to our camp. Captain Winson with Stewart's train crossed the river with us this morning and went down the South side, and left us with the company of apostates that joined Captain Winson's company below Chimney Rock.
Saturday 6th. Started early this morning and about noon we came to Wood River, and turned our stock to feed. In the afternoon we came to the Bridge and camped for the night.
Sunday 7th. This morning started early and nooned on Prairie Creek, near where A.W. Babbitt's train was broken up last fall by the Indians. We saw the graves where those that were killed were buried, but the wolves had dug them up and devoured them, for we saw their bones, hair, and grave clothes scattered about the ground. We camped for the night at the crossing of the creek.
Yes, dead by the thousands have we passed
Entombed along the road,
When Michael's trumpet must call at last
To stand before their God,
Where all receive for though and work
And every deed their just reward.
Monday 8th. Started late and traveled about 16 miles and turned out for noon. We passed today 12 or 15 emigrant trains on the way to California. At night we camped on the Left Fork of the Platt, near to a beaver dam built last fall and winter, which was a great curiosity to me. It was built through a heavy thicket of river willows and young cottonwood trees, first by grubbing all the trees and brush by the roots and cutting them up into chunks and placing them in a kind of window and then digging up the earth and placing it in a bank against the window of grubs or chunks. It was in some places three feet high and the lowest place that I saw was about fifteen inches on a perfect level at the top of the water, rising uniformly to within two inches of the top. I walked out to the thicket on the top of the dam about 20 rods long and could not see to the other end. I suppose it to be at least 50 rods long and perhaps longer. How many teeth and tails it took to accomplish this job, I know not, but it would have taken ten men with axes, shovels, mattocks, etc., at least one week to have completed the job and perhaps double that time. I should suppose the pond to cover at least from 50 to 100 acres. See how they work with teeth and tails
They shovel, grub and chop
To do his part, none ever fails,
Until their dam is up.
Would man from them the lesson take
To cease from war and strife,
And labor for each other's sake
No ills could haunt this life.
Tuesday 9th. We started at the usual time. We met several emigrants in the course of the day, and a little after 4 o'clock we came to the ford of the river opposite to the new settlement of the Saints. We forded the river and camped for the night with them. At this settlement there are one hundred men who have been there only three weeks and have made large improvements in fencing and breaking land and getting in crops. Some of which are already up and look fine. We had a meeting in the evening and the Saints had a first rate spirit and felt well. Brother Charles Shumway and myself spoke to them in reference to things at Salt Lake City which seemed to increase their courage. They intended to lay out a city in which to build their houses and call it Genoa after the birthplace of the great discoverer of the American continent.
Wednesday 10th. We started at 8 o'clock. The land is all claimed that we passed today and two or three cities laid out and many houses built along the river. We traveled 26 miles today, camped for the night on the Main Platt River within a few rods of a grocery.
Thursday 11. Started at the usual time. We passed several newly laid out towns today, and many new houses and the land is all cleared up several miles back from the river. We traveled about 25 miles today and camped for the night near the Platt River, A man by the name of Clark, an apostate who I have traveled with most of the way from Salt Lake, and pretended all the way to be a good Mormon and everything right among the Mormons until tonight, there being a few strangers present, he began to spew out the corruptions of his black heart by saying that he had got into a land of liberty where he dared to speak and declared that the Mormons at Salt Lake were a G--- D--- set of hell hounds, murderous thieves and including all the black catalogue that apostates have to disclose.
Friday 12th. We started at the usual time and crossed the Elkhorn River at about 3 o'clock and came to the Pappea and camped for the night.
Saturday 13th. Started early and arrived at my brother William Johnson's in Florence at about 10 o'clock and crossed the Missouri River at 12 o'clock and arrived at my brother Joseph Johnson's at Ellisdale at 2 o'clock.
Sunday 14th. Stopped with Joseph today. Joseph and William with Ruben Barton and families all present, (with many of their friends) who provided an excellent fruit and oyster supper upon which we all feasted ourselves and had a jovial time and enjoyed ourselves first rate, after which we went home with the Barton's family.
Monday 15th. Stayed at Joseph's the fore part of the day, and towards evening went with William over to Florence. Very stormy weather in the afternoon.
Tuesday 16th. Very stormy. Visited the Hand cart company on the camp ground in the forenoon and stayed in the house the balance of the day. Lo! the Saints their hand carts rolling,
While they come with one accord
From the far and distant nations
To the mountains of the Lord.
Wednesday 17th. Very stormy most of the day. Kept close in the house at my brothers.
Thursday 18th. Visited the hand cart company again. They expected to have started today but were disappointed. Towards evening a steamboat arrived at the landing, which I visited and found on board Brother John Taylor and Erastus Snow, two of the twelve and a large company of Saints from St. Louis and other places. Now again resume their journey
Songs and prayers at morn and eve.
That the Lord would give His spirit
All their burdens to relieve.
In the afternoon I went fishing with my brother and his two little boys. We caught a few sunfish and returned home.
Saturday 20th. Went out this morning with Taylor and Snow to visit the Hand cart company, who was in camp about 8 or 10 miles out from the city. We arrived just as they were leaving camp. They, however, stopped and came together a few moments while Brothers Taylor and Snow gave them some instructions. They possessed a first rate spirit and felt well.
Sunday 21st. Attended meeting at Florence expecting to hear from Brethren Taylor and Snow of the twelve, but was called on to speak to the people myself. I had a good time in speaking, and the brethren and sisters possessed a good spirit and rejoiced in the principles of truth and salvation.
Monday 22nd. Went over the river to my brother's at Ellisdale.
Tuesday 23rd. Went to Council Bluffs City and returned again in the evening to Ellisdale.
Wednesday 24th. Went over the river to Florence and visited the Companies who were receiving their supplies preparatory to crossing the plains to Salt Lake.
Thursday 25th. Returned back again to Ellisdale.
Friday 26th. Was unwell, but commenced a letter to send home in the forenoon, and in the afternoon went to bed sick.
Saturday 27th. Finished my letter although quite unwell. Very stormy all day.
Sunday 28th. Very stormy day. Still unwell. Stayed at home at Ellisdale.
Monday 29th. Went over the river to my Brother's at Florence. Health some better.
Tuesday 30th. Stayed at my brother's in Florence.
July 1st. Tarried with my brother and assisted him in his business.
Thursday 2nd. Tarried with my brother and assisted him in his sheep.
Friday 3rd. Returned across the river to Cresent City and from thence to Ellisdale.
Saturday 4th. Attended the celebration of Independence at Cresent City. The performance of the day consisted of firing the cannon with a short oration and reading the Declaration of Independence. A few toasts and a public dinner, which was rather a slim concern and poorly managed. Myself being a stranger, (and unacquainted with Gentile grab game) of course got no dinner. When compared with the celebration of Utah the spirit of '76 would blush with shame. Oh! could our Fathers speak again
They'd cry "though we for freedom bled
Its shadow now or sons retain
While all its substance long has fled".
"Behold the righteous many years
By mobs and rulers slain for naught
While wondering long in blood and tears
And now again their lives are sought".
Where is the Liberty, Oh! where
For which we boldly fought and bled
Before high heaven we now declare
That from the earth it long had fled.
Sunday 5th. Attended meeting at Cresent City in the house of Brother Holbrook, not many present. I spoke upon the persecutions of the Saints and had a good time in bearing testimony to the truth. Brother Gleason spoke after I had done, and also brother Allen. Brother Gleason organized a branch of the Church, and Brother L.O. Littlefield was appointed president. Meetings were appointed to be held at one o'clock on each Sabbath.
Monday 6th. Went over the river again to my brother's at Florence.
Tuesday 7th. Commenced to purchase some goods and fit up a parcel to send to my family by Brother Henry Lunt.
Wednesday 8th. Finished the parcel of goods for my family and delivered it to Brother Lunt and paid the freight money which was nine dollars.
Thursday 9th. Crossed over the river to Crescent City and went up to Barton's and stayed all night.
Friday 10th. Went to Ellisdale and stayed the balance of the day at my brothers and was very unwell.
Saturday 11th. Stayed at my brother's in the forenoon and in the afternoon went to Cresent City.
Sunday 12th. Preached at Crescent at one o'clock and had a good time with the Saints.
Monday 13th. Stayed at Ellisdale in the forenoon and in the afternoon went to Crescent.
Tuesday 14th. Sowed about four acres of buckwheat for Joseph on the Ellisdale farm.
Wednesday 15th. Sowed about three acres of buckwheat.
Thursday 16th. Sowed buckwheat in the forenoon and went to Barton's in the afternoon.
Friday 17th. Went to Florence.
Saturday 18th. Assisted in tending shop for my brother William.
Sunday 19th. Attended meeting and preached in the forenoon and in the afternoon heard two of the Brethren preach and had a good time.
Monday 20th. Assisted in tending shop for my brother William.
Tuesday 21st. Assisted in tending shop.
Wednesday 22nd. Tended shop for William.
Thursday 23rd. Assisted in the shop the fore part of the day and toward evening crossed the river the Crescent City thence to Ellisdale.
Friday 24th. Stopped at Ellisdale.
Saturday 25th. In the afternoon went to Crescent City and in the evening returned to Ellisdale.
Sunday 26th. Attended meeting at Crescent City and preach at one o'clock.
Monday 27th. Stayed at Ellisdale, very unwell.
Tuesday 28th. Went to Barton's with my sister Julia and her boys to gather some black raspberries for preserves.
Wednesday 29th. Went to Crescent in the forenoon and in the afternoon went with Margaret and gathered some gooseberries for preserves.
Thursday 30th. Stayed at Ellisdale in the forenoon and in the afternoon went to Crescent City.
Friday 31st. Returned from Crescent City to Ellisdale where I spend the day.
Saturday August 1st. Went across the river to Florence.
Sunday 2nd. Preached at Florence in the forenoon and in the afternoon heard Brother Pyper.
Monday 3rd. Returned back to Ellisdale.
Tuesday 4th. Went to Crescent and returned.
Wednesday 5th. Went to Crescent and returned to Ellisdale.
Thursday 6th. At Ellisdale through the day and went to Barton's in the evening and returned to Ellisdale with Barton's family and partook of oyster supper.
Friday 7th. Went to Council Bluffs City.
Saturday 8th. Stopped at Ellisdale.
Sunday 9th. Attended meeting at Crescent City, and heard Brother Gleason preach.
Monday 10th. Took Sister Babbitt with her children over the river to Florence on their way to Booneville.
Tuesday 11th. Went with Sister Babbitt to Omaha Landing and got her on board of a steam boat for Boonville.
Wednesday 12th. Crossed the river and returned to Ellisdale.
Thursday 13th. Went to Crescent City then to Barton's and back to Ellisdale.
Friday 14th. Stopped at Ellisdale through the day.
Saturday 15th. Went to Crescent City in the forenoon and returned to Ellisdale in the evening.
Sunday 16th. Attended meeting at Crescent and heard Brother Gleason and Felshaw preach. (From the above date I shall not note the events of each day, but only of the week.)
Sunday 23rd. Preached at the school house in Crescent and stayed at Ellisdale through the week and moved Hannah into Sister Babbitt's new house on Saturday.
Sunday 30th. Attended meeting at Crescent City. I have boarded with Hannah and attended to business for Joseph, (while absent to New York to purchase goods) through the week.
Sunday, September 6th. Attended meeting at Crescent and heard Brother Gleason preach. Through the past week I have attended to business for Joseph and Sister Babbitt.
Sunday 13th. Attended meeting at Crescent City and preached to the people. Through the week attended to business for Joseph and Sister Babbitt.
Sunday 20th. Attended meeting at Crescent City and heard Brother Corbit preach. Attended business for Joseph and Sister Babbitt.
Sunday 27th. Attended meeting at Crescent City and heard Brother L. O. Littlefield preach.
Tuesday 29th. I heard that Sister Babbitt had arrived in Florence on her way home from Boonville, and in the afternoon went over the river with a team to bring her home and stayed at Florence over night.
Wednesday 30th. Returned across to river to Crescent with Sister Babbitt and family.
Sunday October 4th. Very stormy. Had no meeting. I, therefore, stayed at home.
Sunday 11th. Sick and stayed at home. Sick all the past week.
Thursday 15th. Sister Babbitt took sick today with a very severe chill.
Saturday 17th. Sister Babbitt took a sinking or congestive chill and was confined to bed until her death. She had medical attendance and all the care possible given her by her relatives and friends, but she departed this life on Friday the 23rd of October, 1857 at 5 o'clock in the morning and was buried on Saturday 29th at Council Bluffs City, near by her mother and other relatives. She died in the full faith of the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Beloved and respected by all who knew her, both saints and sinners.
Sunday 25th. Stayed at home, being very unwell.
Sunday 1st of November. Went to meeting at Brother Hough's. Brother George Goddard preached and Brother Felshaw followed with remark.
Sunday 8th. Went to meeting at Brother Hough's. Brother Littlefield preached and I made some remarks after he was through.
Thursday 12th. Assisted in getting up a donation for the poor saints in Omaha. Found the Saints here very liberal spirited, they made up a wagon load of provisions of many kinds, such as potatoes, beef, flour, groceries, etc. and I took them over to Omaha and delivered them to the President for distribution.
Sunday 15th. Was sick with bad cold and stayed at home. The latter part of the past week I have spent in fitting up a bedroom with stove and furniture where I expect to spend some of my time this winter in writing.
Sunday 22nd. Went to meeting. Several of the Brethren spoke, myself among the rest. Through the past week I helped Joseph fix up the Drug Store.
Sunday 29th. Very stormy, not able to go to meeting. Tended the Drug Store through the past week.
Sunday 6th of December. Went to meeting and spoke to the Saints and had a good time. Tended Drug Store through past week.
Monday 7th. Tended Drug Store.
Tuesday 8th. Very busy all day copying my journal.
Wednesday 9th. Today finished the copying of my journal of this mission from manuscripts into this book. My health continues very poor. Have had a very bad cough for several weeks. Feel weak and quite feverish with poor appetite. I never felt a greater desire to know myself in my life than of late. Father, now this boon bestow me,
This the choicest gift to me:
'Tis to know as Thou dost know me
See my heart as Thou dost see.
And to truly know Thee Father,
Which is life Eternal--yes,
And the richest boon that ever
Mortals can on earth possess.
Thursday 10th. Went over the river to Florence. In the evening attended a council of the Elders. Called by President Felshaw to do some business of importance in reference to the Church and the present crisis.
Friday 11th. Stayed with my brother William until night and returned home.
Saturday 12th. I was occupied all day, busily, in copying songs from manuscripts into a book.
Sunday 13th. Went to meeting. Brother Shumway spoke very short, then Brother Felshaw and Littlefield, after which I made a few remarks on the necessity of prayer and knowing but little and keeping a close mouth in these critical times. It was thought best the President to discontinue our meetings for the present, and a vote taken to that effect.
Monday 14th. Visited in the forenoon and in the afternoon copied from MSS.
Tuesday 15th. Spent the day copying.
Wednesday 16th. Warm and muddy. Stayed at home. Copied some from manuscripts.
Thursday 17th. Rainy and muddy. Stayed in the house most of the day copying my songs.
Friday 18th. Stayed in my room and read most of the day, quite well.
Saturday 19th. Occupied the day mostly in copying the songs of Joel.
Sunday 20th. This morning while comparing my own work with the principles of the Celestial Law, I feel my leanness more than ever, and cry in my heart with the Apostle Paul: "Oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from" (I might add) this load of Gentile death with which my nature has contaminated ever since I was begotten in my mother's womb. If I ever felt fear and trembling in working out my salvation it has been of late, but I depend on my Heavenly Father's assistance. Oh that every sinful lust
Timely with my nature wove,
From my heart were now dispersed
And each place supplied with love.
Monday 21st. Sat in my room most of the day reading newspapers. In the evening Brother Felshaw with ten or twelve of the Brethren came in and we counseled upon some business appertaining to leaving this place in the spring, for our home in the mountains.
Tuesday 22nd. Quite unwell and stayed at home and done but little except a few chores and reading the newspapers.
Wednesday 23rd. Unwell and stayed and done some chores about the house.
Thursday 24th. Stayed at home.
Friday 25th. Attended an arbitration and settled a difficulty between two brethren in the forenoon, and in the afternoon went to Ellisdale and partook of an excellent Christmas supper in company with Joseph and Barton's families, and returned home in the evening.
Saturday 26th. Stayed home, very unwell in the afternoon.
Sunday 27th. Stayed at home, very unwell but wrote a little in the evening.
Monday 28th. Feel very week and poor appetite but feel full confidence that I shall someday enjoy better health.
I'll love and trust Thee, Oh! my God,
Although Thou shouldst me slay
Will hope, and kill the uplifted rod
Though it my back should play.
I know Thou canst do nothing wrong.
Thy hand is always just,
Thy love and blessing to prolong
To those that in Thee trust.
Tuesday 29th. Confined to my room by some disease in my urine organs. Very weak and not much relish for food.
Wednesday 30th. My health continues very poor. Stayed in my room most of the day, and read some of my songs to Brother Wellington who came to visit me and get some information from the mountains.
Thursday 31st. Stayed in my room and read newspapers in the forenoon and in the afternoon walked a little about town.
Friday January 1st, 1858. This being New Years day, I had an engagement to spend the day at my brother William Johnson's in Florence, but being disappointed in the teams arrival from Ellisdale in the morning, I spent the forenoon of the day in my room in reading newspapers. About noon the team arrived and I went with Margaret, and the boys Don and Almon, in brother Joseph's wagon over the river to Florence. We crossed the river on ice. We stayed all night and the next day until noon.
Saturday 2nd. In the afternoon we returned home to Crescent City.
Sunday 3rd. In my room most of the day reading newspapers, hoping to find some news from the west. In the evening Brothers Felshaw and Littlefield and some of the rest of the Brethren met at my room to council upon some important business relative to getting away from this place in the spring.
Monday 4th. Stayed at home and read the Deseret News having got two of three September and October numbers from Brother Fulsome at Council Bluffs City. Felt very unwell.
Tuesday 5th. Today having been furnished with the record of my father's family by my brother William, I concluded to copy it into my Journal, that my children may know the dates of their births, marriages, and deaths. My father's and mother's with my own birth and marriage, I have recorded in the beginning of this record.
My father died January 13, 1848, at Nauvoo, Illinois, at the age of 72 years and one day.
My mother died May 30th, 1853, at Council Bluffs, Iowa, at the age of 69 years, 8 months, and four days.
My eldest sister, (being next to myself) Nancy M. was born August 1st, 1803, in Northborough, Massachusetts, and died October 30th, 1836, in Kirtland, Ohio.
Seth G. was born February 14, 1805, in Royalton, Massachusetts, and died February 19, 1835, at Kirtland, Ohio.
Delana D. was born November 19, 1806, at Westford, Massachusetts, and died February 19, 1835, at Kirtland, Ohio.
Julia A. (Babbitt) was born November 9, 1808, at Westford, Vermont, and was married to A.W. Babbitt and died October 23, 1847, at Crescent, City, Iowa.
David was born September 10, 1810, at Westford, Vermont, and died October 30, 1833 at Kirtland, Ohio.
Almera W. was born October 12, 1812, at Westford, Vermont, and was married November 16, 1845, at Nauvoo, Illinois, by J.H. Johnson.
Susan S. was born December 16, 1814, at Pomfret, New York, and died March 16, 1836, at Kirtland, Ohio.
Joseph E. was born April 28, 1817, at Pomfret, New York, and married October 6, 1840, by Joseph Smith.
Benjamin F. was born July 28, 1818, at Pomfret, New York, and married October 6, 1841, at Kirtland, Ohio.
Mary E. was born February 7, 1820 at Pomfret, New York, and was married February 7, 1842, at Macedonia, Illinois, by Joel H. Johnson, and died June 11, 1845, at Nauvoo, Illinois.
Elmer W. was born May 26, 1821, at Pomfret, New York, and died September 14, 1822, at Pomfret, New York.
George W. was born February 19, 1823, at Pomfret, New York, and was married April 14, 1844, At Macedonia, Illinois, by John Smith.
William D. was born October 27, 1823, at Pomfret, New York, and was married November 9, 1848, at Nauvoo, Illinois, by A.W. Babbitt.
Esther M. was born January 12, 1827, at Pomfret, New York, and married March 27, 1843, at Macedonia, Illinois.
Amos P. was born January 15, 1829, at Pomfret, New York, and died May 9, 1842, at Macedonia, Illinois.
Wednesday 6th. Cloudy and cool today, although the weather for several weeks has been almost like an Indian summer, mostly clear with sun red and smoky. My health continues very poor with a bad hacking cough and my urinary organs very much deranged with bodily strength failing, my complaint seems to be inclined to the dropsy. I feel almost discouraged, but yet desire to live for the benefit of my family, and assist in too breaking every yoke of Gentile bondage from the necks of the Saints that Zion may arise and shine, (as the Prophet says) fair as the moon and clear as the sun and terrible as an army with banners. Then I can with good old Simeon, when he took the child Jesus in his arms exclaim: "Now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace for mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared before the face of all people, a light to lighten the gentiles and the glory of they people Israel." While I on earth can good perform
I would desire to stay
But when my labor here is done
Then let me pass away.
With Joseph and the Saints that's true,
And for the cause my work pursue.
Sunday 10th. Very heavy rain all the forenoon and heavy snow with high wind in the afternoon. My health continues very poor. Cough very bad, not much relish for food, and very weak with a sense of fullness in the chest. This morning a man who called his name Lewis Fincher came to Brother O. Littlefield in search of Brother Felshaw, (President of the region) who stated to him and others that himself and nine other men were sent by President Brigham Young as an express to assist the Saints on the frontiers in preparing for their emigration in the spring. He stated that the President directed him and his associates with the assistance of the Saints on the borders to steal all the horses, money, and other necessary means they possibly could from the gentiles, and prepare themselves to start out very early in the spring, so as to get ahead of all the troops and other immigrants. He told Brother Felshaw that he and his men had already stolen many horses and had painted and disfigured them so that they could not be known by the owners and had also stolen $900 from a safe in Missouri, $500 of which with the horses he would deliver into Brother Felshaw's hand, if he would receive them. He also said that he knew a man that had $1500 in gold whom he would rob and deliver the money to him if he would give his consent. After hearing these statements with many others of the same character, Brother Felshaw and Brother Charles Shumway came over to my room and after relating the circumstances to me I told them that I thought he had been sent here by some government officer of the Missouri mob committee to flatter us into those measures that they might have a pretext to bring a mob upon us and take our lives. And Eggleston, with Brother Felshaw, Shumway, and several others, went over and told him that we had never been taught to steal, neither did we believe in the doctrine, therefore, we should have nothing to do with him or his measures, and after calling us apostates and giving us many warnings he said that he should come again the next day, and bring his documents from Brother Brigham, for he intended to carry out the instructions of those that sent him in spite of all oppositions, but we saw no more of him or his documents.
Thursday 14th. Cough very bad. Slept but little last night, not able to do anything like labor. Received a letter today from James Martineau of Parowan, dated October 11, being the first news from home for several months. Sat in my room lonesome and down hearted, mind weak, and so many things to think of that I can't get my mind upon any thing to write that will do anyone any good. So I lay down my pen.
Friday 15th. Cough some better last night and this morning, but had two severe attacks of the night mares last night while lying on my right side (which circumstances the medical book said was never known to occur.) Therefore it is not impossible but my friends may wake up some morning and find that I have stepped behind the veil. If so, all right, it will be because I am needed more there than here. The place where I can do the most in assisting to roll forth the Kingdom of God that is the station I was to fill, whether this side of the veil or the other, I am not my own keeper, but subject to the will of my Father in Heaven, and feel today to say "Thy will be done and not mine." Father, does my soul not love Thee?
Search Oh, Search my heart and see
If there's aught I prize above Thee
Wilt Thou make it know to me
It shall from my
Heart be severed
Although great the wound may be.
For thy sacred causes Oh, Zion,
Would I give my all below
Yet the gentile hosts are trying
Thy sweet cause to overthrow
Their oppression
Could I break it
From thy neck my blood should flow.
Saturday 16th. Considerable better of my cough and feel a little better in mind of other respects. Beautiful weather most of the time, clear, warm days and cool nights, and but very little snow. Stock live well on the bottoms.
Sunday 17th. Health still seems a little on the mend, sit in my room part of the day and walked about town some, and in the evening a few of the elders came in to council a little as usual.
Monday 18th. Walked about town some in the forenoon, and in the afternoon read some in the newspapers in reference to the Utah expedition, and in the evening went to Brother Saunders house and blessed his infant child. My health about the same with little or no improvement.
Oh! could I shake the incubus off,
This bond I long endured.
Oh! could my Father say "Enough
Be thou to health restored".
Now would my heart leap for thine praise
To His all glorious name
And through my last remaining days.
His love to all proclaim.
Tuesday 19th. Tarried in my room reading and writing most of the day. Very warm and fine weather.
Wednesday 20th. In my room most of the day writing.
Sunday 24. The three days past have been very warm, rainy, and muddy. My health is a little better or appears so at least, although I am not able to do anything, but write a little. In the evening Brother Felshaw with several of the Elders met at my room as usual in council.
Monday 25th. Very unwell, done nothing but walk about town and sit and read a little in my room.
Tuesday 26th. Quite sick, received two letters, one from my son Sixtus and one from David Labaren, in the afternoon answered my son's letter.
Wednesday 27th. This morning wrote a letter to James W. Martineau and put that with the one I wrote to my son yesterday in the Post Office, and in the afternoon wrote one to my family.
Thursday 28th. Wrote some and visited about town some, and read newspapers.
Friday 29th. My cough some better. Very warm fine weather. Read newspapers in my room and walked about some.
Saturday 30th. Wrote a letter to David Labaren and put it in the post office with one to my family.
Sunday 31st. Stayed in my room and read most of the day. In the evening Brother Felshaw came in as usual to council with the Brethren. My health continues very poor indeed.
Monday 1st of February. Walked about town some, and read medical books some. Now towards night feel very bad; my whole system very weak, my mind also weak and memory broken; when I take up my pen to write, can scarcely think of what has transpired through the day.
Tuesday 2nd. This morning cold and cloudy with occasional snow squalls. My health no better: stomach, lungs and urine organs very deranged and feel very bad with hands and feet cold, cough not quite so hard, with some hope that I shall recover so as to return to my mountains and home and enjoy the society of my family and of the Saints once more. I have always believed that I should return and my mission not be in vain. Father, Oh! remember me
And grant behold my weeping.
Grant me aid or soon I'll be
In my cold grave sleeping.
To Thy will I now resign
Life and all my treasures
All I have on earth is Thine
Do with me Thy pleasure.
Thou art holy, just, and wise
All Thy ways are equal
Sorrows oft prove through disguise
Blessing in the sequel.
Then let every debt be paid
While in the probation
Through affliction all must wade
Who gain exaltation.
In the afternoon went to the printing office and read newspapers to get some news from the expedition to Utah, but found nothing of importance.
Wednesday 3rd. Last night froze the hardest of any night this winter thus far. Some clouds and quite cold through the day. Health rather worse. Have some doubt about my recovery and return to my family. Oh! the feelings of a fathers heart who is absent from those he loves dearest on earth. Under the circumstances of sickness and doubtful recovery, none can tell except those who have the trial, and him who hears the prayers and counts the tears of all his children. But yet I feel to say with all my heart, Thy will, oh, my Heavenly Father be done and not mine.
Thursday 4th. Cold night but very pleasant through the day, as to my health, symptoms unpleasant but not quite so bad as yesterday, and feel some more encouraged. Have a very agreeable visit in my room today from Brother A.C. Pyper from Florence.
Friday 5th. Cold, cloudy and stormy this morning. My health about the same as yesterday; I feel very thankful to my Heavenly Father that it is no worse. Yes, I thank Thee, Oh! my Father
For Thy goodness unto me
Praying still Thy love and blessing
From disease to set me free.
In the afternoon Brother Felshaw came in and Fenally stopped with me all night, with whom I had a first rate visit through the afternoon and in the evening.
Saturday 6th. This morning clear and fine. My health seems about the same. In the evening Brother Felshaw came in and read a letter from H.S. Eldridge of St. Louis stating that Snyder and Green had arrived at New York from England. He finally stopped with me all night.
Sunday 7th. This morning cloudy with snow through the day. My health about the same. In the afternoon with Margaret to Brother Saunders and stayed until evening. My brother William came from Florence and stayed with me all night.
Monday 8th. Snowed all night. Snow deep and blustering this morning. My health about as usual. Sat in my room, engaged in reading most of the day.
Tuesday 9th. Very cold and snowy. Winter seems to have just set in, in good ernest. Not much alteration in my health, on the whole I think no worse. I will now say a few words about the Gentile expedition to Utah as I have said nothing about it before. The reformation in Utah among the Saints which I have before mentioned in the winter of 1856-57 caused the sinners in Zion to be afraid and fearfulness to surprise the hypocrite. Therefore hundreds of them with some of the black hearted government officers gathered up their effects and returned to the states, reporting all the evil stories and falsehoods that their imaginations through the assistance of the devil could invent, which gave a fair chance for all the black hearted priests, lawyers, politicians and demagogues who had long sought an occasion to raise a hue and cry throughout the length and breadth of the United States and get up a mobocratic crusade against the Saints in Utah, which they accomplished by demanding of President Buchanan an army to be sent forth with to exterminate them. For the President to appease the clamor of the multitude (as did Pilate when he delivered Christ to be crucified) appointed from among the government officers for Utah and sent with them an army of 2500 soldiers with the ordinances of war, to enforce sealed instructions, which he had given to the officers. When the authorities in Utah heard of the uproar the returned officers and apostates made in the States, they immediately sent and requested the administration at Washington to send a committee of investigation to Utah and inquire into the cause. Yet the government never heeded to request, but forwarded on the officers and army with all speed, which the Saints considered a corrupt violation of the constitution of the United Sates; and every principle of true democracy, justice and liberty. Therefore, they concluded at once to resist every attempt made by the officers and army to end the settlements of Utah. But the army started so late from Fort Leavenworth in Kansas in Kansas Territory, that they did not reach the Territory of Utah until November when the snow was so deep they could not cross the Wasatch range of mountains. Therefore, they were obliged to go into winter quarters at Fort Bridger, which had been burned and evacuated by the saints with the loss of two thirds or more of their animals and a great deal of other valuable property abandoned on the plains.
Wednesday 10th. The cold weather continues, my health is about the same. Searched the newspapers most of the day to find something from Congress on the Utah questions. The barking of the editors has all ceased, I have not heard a yeep for the last four weeks, against Utah. Some of the leading papers think the administration has been hasty in regards to sending the army, etc.
Thursday 11th. Weather more warm and fair. My health seems a little better. Brother Sanders came in and stayed with me in my room most of the forenoon. In the afternoon visited some about town and read the newspapers.
Friday 12th. Very cold and cloudy. Felt better this morning when I got up than I had for a month, and after breakfast went out and chopped an armful of wood to start a fire in my stove and while bringing it up the second pair of stairs into my room a stick or something caught me in my back just below my should blades and almost stopped my breath, and am now in great misery while I sit at my table writing.
Saturday 13th. The weather moderate and cloudy. My health is generally about the same as usual, my back not quite so lame as yesterday. Visited about town some today, and in the evening went to my brother's at Ellisdale to a party. Had a very good time and returned home at about 12 o'clock.
Sunday 14th. The weather cold and clear. My health about the same. Attended a party at Ellisdale. I see from the public prints that the administration at Washington are determined in the spring to reinforce their mobocratic expedition against the Saints in Utah. Although they or the public prints have neither been able or pretended to show one instance where the Saints have in the least degree violated the constitution or any law of the United States. Yet they must be put down is the cry, through the length and breadth of the land from the President down to the beggar, and when the question is asked what have they done?, the answer is Oh! they are increasing so fast that we are afraid when they get strong enough they will revenge the wrongs that they have received from our citizens. So we see that the government and people prefer to sacrifice thousands of human lives with millions of dollars in money to destroy rather than to redress the wrongs of an injured people. Ah! since our fathers are gone
Who founded this great nation
The power of equal rights has flown
With just administration.
While the majority believes
In mobs and freely use them
Like him who for a dove receives
A viper in his bosom.
Monday 15th. Very cold last night and this morning. My health remains about as usual. Stopped in my room most of the day. In the afternoon Joseph and William with Ruben Barton and Almera came in to talk over our family record and try to get a history of Seth and David who died in Kirtland, Ohio in the years 1833 and 35, but we did not succeed to do anything about it.
Tuesday 16th. Very cold but fair. My health seems a little better. Visited some today and wrote some and read newspapers at the printing office for awhile.
Wednesday 17th. Cold and cloudy weather. My health no better; cough seems to be rather worse. My brother Joseph started for Washington today. Stayed in my room most of the day alone, felt very lonesome and downcast on the account of being absent from my family and loaves from my brother in my poor state of health and weakness in the body and mind, and could not refrain from tears, so fresh in my mind was the parting with my family at home. With yearning look upon each face
And heartfelt grief that none can tell
With hurried kiss and short embrace
That whispered to each one farewell.
The parting came--- I turned away
While sorrow did my bosom swell
Lest my return should meet delay
And this should be my last farewell.
Thursday 18th. Weather cloudy with some snow but not quite so cold. My health no better, much pain in my urine organs, cough no better. The prospects of my recovery according to the course of natures look small, but I know that I am in the hands of my Heavenly Father who controls the destinies of all, and whatsoever He does is all right. Therefore, feel perfectly satisfied that His will shall be done. I daily feel to rejoice with joy and gratitude unspeakable that I have ever striven to fight for the cause of truth and have thus far kept the faith, and that my family are all faithful members of the church and Kingdom of God in these last days. Therefore, I expect to meet them again whether in life or death. The hand of death why should I fear?
A messenger of peace he'll come
To break the chain that binds me here
And lift me to my Heavenly home.
With fear he makes his thousands quail
Yet I, his hand with joy will greet
And pass with him behind the veil
Where all the Saints of God I shall meet.
Friday 19th. This morning clear and warm through the day. My health about as usual. Went about town some today and sat in my room and studied and wrote some.
Saturday 20th. Clear and moderate. My health seems to be a little better today. Went about town some in the forenoon and in the afternoon visited with Brother Allen in my room. Feel more in hopes that I shall recover to a comfortable degree of health, than I have before for some time. Feel very much bloated and uncomfortable in body, yet enjoy my mind very well. When sickness and pain, with multiplied sorrows
Doth darken my pathway
Sweet hope the balm, my wounded heart borrows
To banish or heal every woe.
Hope, too is the wine that keeps my heart cheerful
And buoys up my faith to perform,
Supplies me with strength, lest I should be fearful
And courage to fight my way through.
Sunday 21st. Clear and Cold. My health continues about as usual. Went over the river to Florence to my brother William's and stopped with him all night.
Monday 22nd. Clear and Cold. My health continues about the same. In the forenoon I had my likeness taken to be sent to my wife Janet, for which she has been very anxious and written to me several times about it. When on this picture thou shalt gaze
My dear beloved Janet
And bring to mind those sacred days
When first in love we met.
And think again of all the tears
Mine eyes for thee hath shed
And of my fervent, constant prayers
For blessings on thy heard.
Thou cans't not think I can forget,
The love that lights thine eyes
Or think I don't love thee yet
For true love never dies.
Tuesday 23rd. Cold and Cloudy. Health seems a little better than usual. Went about town some and sat in my room and read newspapers the balance of the day.
Wednesday 24th. Weather cloudy and much warmer than usual. My health about the same as yesterday. Sat in my room until towards night, studying and writing and then went about town a little.
Thursday 25th. Very warm and muddy. My health about the same. Today I wrote some in the forenoon and in the afternoon went to the Printing Office and got some newspapers to read.
Friday 26th. Weather very warm.. My health about as usual. Dr. L.T. Goons called to see me today and said he should bring some medicine tomorrow. I wrote several letters today, on to J.M. Bornhisel, delegate to Congress from Utah, and posted them. Spent some time about town, although quite muddy.
Saturday 27th. Weather cool and cloudy. My health seems better. Stayed in my room studying and writing most of the day. Towards evening went up in town. In the evening Dr. Coons came in and stopped with me awhile, and left a pint of syrup.
Sunday 28th. Weather very cold, with high north winds. My health on the whole seems to mend a little. Brother Sanders and lady came today and visited with me all day.
Monday March 1st. Cold with high north wind. My health about the same with the exception of having taken a little cold, which has increased my cough, but think it will not do much harm. Went about town some in the morning and stayed at home the balance of the day.
Tuesday 2nd. Cold and windy. My health about the same as yesterday. Stopped in my room studying and writing all day.
Wednesday 3rd. Weather clear and warm.. My health about the same. Went about town some and sat in my room reading newspapers and studying the balance of the day.
Thursday 4th. Warm and fair. Not much alteration in my health. Went to the printing office and read the newspapers a part of the day and the balance set in my room studying and writing. This evening I feel quite feverish. My hands and feet have been cold most of the day and my mind very gloomy.
On that dark picture--why thus dwell.
In sad and gloomy mood,
Increasing all life's cares and swell
A rivulet to a flood.
Such thoughts--by gathering up life's ills,
With gloomy shad conceals,
The blessing that the bosom thrills.
Which faith and hope reveals.
Friday 5th. Weather warm.. My health about as usual. Sat in my room most of the day studying and writing. Brother Shumway came in and visited with me in the evening and finally stopped all night.
Saturday 6th. The weather warm. My health no worse. Brother Clark came to visit me this morning. The afternoon I spent visiting the Sanders family.
Sunday 7th. Weather warm and cloudy. My health a little better. Spent the day in my room studying and writing. My heart is filled with goodness and blessings. Oh! the gratitude I owe Thee
Father, never can be told.
Praise and all I can bestow Thee
Is like giving dust for gold.
Monday 8th. Weather warm, my health no better. Received a letter from my cousin, T. Hills, of Newport, Kentucky. Stayed in my room in the forenoon and in the afternoon went to the Printing Office,. store, etc.
Tuesday 9th. Weather warm and fair. My health seems to little better. Stayed at home and prepared some medicine directed by Dr. Coons.
Wednesday 10th. Weather warm. Wild Geese flying to the north. My health about the same. Stayed in my room all day studying and writing.
Thursday 11th. Weather warm, my health about the same. Brother Lyman Wood came to see me today, with whom I had an agreeable visit.
Friday 12th. Very warm with south wind, my health about the same. Visited Brother Goodwins family in the forenoon, and in the afternoon Brothers Wood and Corbit came in and stopped with me awhile.
Saturday 13th. Weather very warm, not much alteration in my health. Stayed in my room most of the day reading and studying.
Sunday 14th. Very warm, my health about the same as usual. I commenced today to write a letter to my cousin, B.T. Hills of Newport, Kentucky, but Brother Shumway and others came in and visited with me awhile, and so I did not finish it.
Monday 15th. Weather warm, not much change in my health. My sister Almera came to visit me today. Stayed in my room most of the day and wrote.
Tuesday 16th. Cloudy and rainy, health about the same. Received a letter today from my brother at Washington with New York Herald, containing Governor Young's message to the legislature of Utah, and also the Resolutions of the Legislature to sustain the governor in not suffering the U.S. Army now at Fort Bridger, to come in Salt Lake City, with some other documents of interest. It seems from what I can gather from the last mail that the Administration is determined to urge on their mob proceedings towards Utah, by sending out large reinforcements and supplies to the army of mob now in the borders of Utah. Well, let them do as they please, the God of Heaven governs the universe, and directs the destines of all people or nations, and has declared in these last days that his people shall prevail and overcome their enemies, therefore, I know that they will tread them under their feel sooner or later and Zion shall prevail and become the joy of the whole earth and a place of liberty, and safety for the oppressed of all nations. However the present course with us suggests the following line: A few black hearts cry out, "Hallow!
Come buck Budaman, be up and give them fight,"
While thousands shout, "The foe, the foe,
We are the law, nor care for right."
While congress doth lies succumb,
The nations pot with fraud doth boil
For all within is filth and scum,
And Satan laughs to take the spoil.
Wednesday 17th. Clear and warm. My health is about the same. Today attended the funeral of Mrs. Williamson, a fine old lady of 72, who was a Saint in faith and works as far as she could be without being baptized.
Thursday 18th. Warm and fair, wind in the south, my health about the same. This morning Dr. Coons came in to see me but done nothing. I asked him what he charge was for this former visit, he said he did not know as he ought to charge me anything, but finally concluded that I might pay him ten dollars as that would throw off about half of the bill. He only left me in all about a pint of syrup, which I furnished the medicine to prepare, and a very small bottle of Iodine preparation.
Friday 19th. In the forenoon, I went to Brother Goodwin's and visited with the a few hours, and had a good time. Found them very anxious to emigrate to Utah.
Saturday 20th. Weather clear and windy. My health seems a little better. Went to R. Barton's and visited with them until evening then came home.
Sunday 21st. Weather clear. My health seems to mend a little. Today I finished a very lengthy letter to cousin B.F. Hills. In the evening attended meeting at Brother L.O. Littlefield's. Brother Felshaw and several of the elders were present and confirmed one new member and ordained four elders. Brother Felshaw gave the Brethren and Sisters much good instruction.
Monday 22nd. Cloudy and cool, my health no better. I spent most of the day in making myself a syrup as directed by Dr. Coons.
Tuesday 23rd. My health today is much worse, nearly as bad as ever, which is very discouraging to a man over a thousand miles from all and everything that is near and dear on earth. With all the power of hell and the nation thrown in the path to prevent his return. I think my feelings must be some like Jonas, in some respect at least. He knows that he was in the belly of hell and nothing but the power of God could save him. I do not see any chance without the intervention of heaven for me ever to return to my mountain home and friends. In case I should fail, I would prefer His hell to mine all the time. Yet, I know my Heavenly Father governs all things and I have nothing to fear, only to do wrong, which I hope to evade. Today I wrote a poem entitled "A Year or So", it being my birthday, my age 56.
Wednesday 24th. Very clear and warm, my health about the same as yesterday. Not able to do much, walked a bout town a little and stayed in my room the balance of the day, studying and writing a little. The following lines portrays my feelings. Father, hearken to my prayer,
And behold my falling tears.
All my sickness, pain, and care
Thou hast known for many years.
Thou dost see my health estranged,
And the cause of all my pain,
Every part in me deranged
Wilt Thou organize again.
Thou hast known my heart and soul,.
Ever since my life begun
To Thy praise my all control
Not my will, but Thine be done.
Thursday 25th. Weather clear and warm. My health about the same. In the forenoon stayed in the kitchen and strained a little honey. In the afternoon stopped in my room reading newspapers and writing.
Friday 26th. Very warm, with high winds in the south. My health a little on the mend. In my room part of the forenoon writing, and the balance of the day about town.
Saturday 27th. Fair and warm. My health improving. Stayed in my room in the forenoon, studying and writing. In the afternoon visited about town.
Sunday 28th. Windy and warm. My health as usual. Went to Barton's through the day and in the evening went to Brother Littlefield's to meeting. Had quite an interesting time.
Monday 29th. Stormy. Health some better. In my room studying and writing part of the day and the balance about town. In the evening Brother L.O. Littlefield and some other came in and we blest two of Hannah's children.
Tuesday 30th. Very stormy. My health seems to improve. Today received letters from B.B. Johnson and D.T. Labaren from Salt Lake City with some papers from Washington, which I spent most of the day in reading.
Wednesday 31st. Clear and warm. My health as usual. Brother Samuel Richards arrived today from England. I spent some time with him and other brethren, and the balance of the day in my room writing.
Thursday April 1st. Clear and warm. My health no better. John L Smith, George C. Snyder from Europe and Dr. Peter Clinton from New York and several other Elders arrived here today, on their way with dispatches from Salt Lake City. I went and had a talk with them and in the evening we had a meeting at Brother L. O. Littlefield's and Brother Clinton and some others gave us some good instructions.
Friday 2nd. This morning Brother J. L. Smith and Brother Hatch came and took breakfast with me. Soon after breakfast the brethren started on their journey for the plains. Brother Shumway went with them by whom I sent a letter to my family. After they started I spent most of the day in my room studying and writing.
Saturday 3rd. Cloudy with heavy north wind. My health the same. Wrote a letter today to my brother Joseph at New York. Visited a part of the day at Brother Sanders and Goodwin.
Sunday 4th. Cold north winds. My health as usual. In the forenoon visited Brother Angus Cannon, whom Brother Clinton and company left sick at L.O. Littlefield's. In the afternoon, I went to Brother Sanders and in the evenings to Brother Littlefield's to meeting.
Monday 5th. Wrote a little in the forenoon and visited Brother Cannon and several others. About town the balance of the day.
Tuesday 6th. One year today since I left home in Iron County, Utah Territory. Received a letter today, with some papers from my brother who was in New York. Read them over in the forenoon and in the afternoon went to Brother Sanders and then to Mother Goddards, who was sick. Laid hands upon her, and returned home and sat in my room the balance of the day.
Wednesday 7th. Very rainy. My health as usual. I went to see Brother Cannon in the morning, and commenced a letter to Ebenezer Page. Brother George Gates, just returning from his mission to England, called and spent a part of the day with me.
Thursday 8th. Very stormy. Spent the day in studying and finishing my letter to Ebenezer Page.
Friday 9th. Stormy. Several of the missionary elders arrived in town today. I spent most of the day visiting with them. Spent some time in writing.
Saturday 10th. Very stormy all day. Spent the day mostly in my room, part of the time in writing, and talking with my brother, William, and others. Wrote a letter to my brother Joseph, directed to St. Louis, Missouri.
Sunday 11th. Very stormy. Several of the returned missionaries stopped with me all night and until nearly noon today. In the afternoon J.L. Smith with some others came in and finally stopped all night.
Monday 12th. This morning ground covered with snow. High winds and cold with storm. Spent the day mostly writing letters to my family.
Tuesday 13th. Spent a part of the day in writing and in visiting and the balance in reading newspapers.
Thursday 15th. Clear weather with wind in the north. Spent a part of the day in studying and writing, the balance of the day in visiting.
Friday 16th. Spent a part of the forenoon in writing and in the evening went to Barton's to a party, and returned home at 2 o'clock in the morning.
Saturday 17th. Warm. Stopped at home in the forenoon writing a letter to my little children. In the afternoon got a poem entitled "The Meddler's Exaltation" printed.
Sunday 18th. Warm and rainy. Not much change in my health. Spent the day in writing and visiting with Brothers Shumway and Sanders, who came to see me.
Monday 19th. Health as usual. Visited some and wrote some.
Tuesday 20th. Some ten or a dozen of the brethren came in and took a little native wine with me and had a good time in singing and conversation.
Wednesday 21st. Last night John Therelkeld came up from St. Louis after his daughters Margaret and Mary Jane. Spent the day in conversation with Mr. Therelkeld and others and visiting about town.
Thursday 22nd. High cold north wind. Done nothing today of consequence except read newspapers at the printing office.
Friday 23rd. Went to Ellisdale and returned in the afternoon.
Saturday 24th. Spent the day in reading newspapers, writing, and visiting.
Sunday 25th. Several of the missionaries from England, Wales, etc., having arrived, I spent the day mostly visiting with them. Brother Therelkeld with Jane came down to Ellisdale.
Monday 26th. This morning I arose about six o'clock and went below and found on the table two letters, one directed to me and the other to John Therelkeld, and the girls Margaret and Jane had gone. I notified Brother Therelkeld, their father, who slept in a room adjoining mine, who quickly arose and came down, read his letter and was very angry. He then read the one directed to me, they both being written by Margaret. He then wished me to assist him in finding the girls. I went with him about town, making inquiries but got no satisfaction and about noon called for paper and wrote a letter to Jane and left it with me and told me to give it to her if I ever got an opportunity. About 4 o'clock he went over the river with Brother Pyper to Florence.
Tuesday 27th. Went to Brother Littlefield's to meeting in the evening. Good number of returned missionaries present, all felt well.
Wednesday 28th. Last night Martha Snyder died at Ellisdale. Went up this morning to make arrangements about the funeral and returned this afternoon.
Thursday 29th. Went to Ellisdale to attend the funeral. Brother Hall spoke to friends of the deceased. I did not go to the burial, which was at Council Bluffs, but returned home in the evening.
Friday 30th. Stopped at home most of the day, visiting with some of the Brethren and reading newspapers.
Saturday May 1st. Stormy. My health still very poor. The most part of the day spent conversing with Hannah about matters in Utah, etc. In the evening Brothers Hall and Combs and Ridout came in and visited with me until 10 o'clock. Brother Hall and Combs stayed all night.
Sunday 2nd. Very stormy and cold. My health still very poor. The most of the Elders left yesterday and today for the plains. Stayed in my room most of the day, felt very lonesome and some discouragement. No housekeeper and no one to assist me in anything, except Mary Ann Sanders who comes over in a day or two and helps me about an hour or so.
Monday 3rd. Spent all the forepart of the day in the kitchen cooking, churning, etc. My health continues so poor and I feel so miserable that I have no anxiety to live only to benefit the kingdom of God and my family; and when I cannot do that I wish to go to rest. When I am numbered with the dead,
No monument of fame I crave,
But one rough stone placed at my head
Inscribed upon it "Joel's grave".
Let none there for me to weep
Or represent a thought of pain.
But let me lie and sweetly sleep
'Till by the Priesthood waked again.
Tuesday 4th. Stopped in my room most of the day reading. Very lonesome.
Wednesday 5th. Clear and warm. My health continues very poor, blood in the abdomen. Stayed in my room most of the day. Received a line from Margaret, desiring to return if it is thought safe.
Thursday 6th. Got up early and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast, but was too unwell. So I returned to my room again in which I spent most of the day reading and writing.
Friday 7th. Very warm and cloudy. My health very poor, doesn't seem to mean much. I spent the most part of the day in my room. Margaret and Mary Jane returned in the afternoon.
Saturday 8th. Wind in the north and cloudy. Received a letter today from my Aunt Diedamia Wheeler. Brother Blackwell came in and stopped with me most of the day. I am so bloated and feel so bad that I am sometimes almost tempted to discouragement and despair when I think about getting home to my family, but when I realize the Lord governs all things I exclaim in my heart:
Get behind me prince of darkness
I command thee quick to go
In the name of Christ our Savior
For I've not with thee to do.
Sunday 9th. Spent most of the day in my room. Brother Hudson came in from Michigan and read me some of his poetry. I also read to him some of mine. Towards evening Brother Sanders and family came in and took supper with me. Attended meeting at Brother L.C. Littlefield's.
Monday 10th. Cloudy and cool. Spent most of the day in my room reading and writing.
Tuesday 11th. Very warm and pleasant. Went over the river to my brother's at Florence, found them all well. Returned home in the evening.
Wednesday 12th. My health seems a little better although so slow as scarcely to be perceptible. Sat in my room most of the day, reading and writing.
Thursday 12th. Spent the forepart of the day in studying and writing and the afterpart visiting with Brother Brooks who stopped and took supper with me.
Friday 14th. Spent the most part of the day in my room studying and writing.
Saturday 15th. Cool and cloudy. My health seems to mend slowly. I spent most of the day in my room.
Sunday 16th. Stormy. Received word last night that my brother Joseph E. had arrived by steamer at Council Bluffs landing, and would be at Crescent landing today. In the afternoon many wagons and buggies started out to the landing about 3 miles distance to bring up my brother, other passengers and freight, etc. Toward evening they came rolling into town to the gratification of all the citizens.
Monday 17th. Visited about town some and stopped in my room the balance of the day.
Tuesday 18th. Clear in the morning. Margaret and myself went to Barton's and it began to rain about noon and Reuben brought us home in the buggy towards evening.
Wednesday 19th. I went to Ellisdale and come home towards evening.
Thursday 20th. Stopped in my room of the day reading.
Friday 21st. This morning is stormy. Spent the day in visiting and writing.
Saturday 22nd. Stormy most of the day. Spent the day mostly in my room. Spent some of the time however at Brothers Homer and Saunders.
Sunday 23rd. Much thunder and lightening, with rain through the night but fair this morning. Not much change in my health, which is still very poor. Stopped at home most of the day.
Monday 24th. Very warm. Started to go to Barton's, met them and returned back. In the afternoon went and gathered some red or slippery elm seed to take to Utah to plant.
Tuesday 25th. Went in the morning over the river to my brother William's at Florence and stopped with him through the day.
Wednesday 26th. Returned home in the forenoon and visited some in the afternoon.
Thursday 27th. Having been informed that Brother Eldridge had come up to Florence, I started to go over the river to see him, and when I came to the ferry the wind was so high that I could not get over until just before dark.
Friday 28th. Visited with Brother Eldridge most of the forenoon, and in the afternoon went to see some brethren who had lately arrived from England via New York.
Saturday 29th. Stopped with William through the day and returned home in the evening. Brother Eldridge stayed with me all night.
Sunday 30th. Wrote a letter to my folks in the forenoon and in the afternoon went visiting.
Monday 31st. Went to Barton's and Ellisdale.
Tuesday June 1st. Went to Florence to see Brother Eldridge, and was appointed by him to preside over the Saints at Genoa. Very busy in the afternoon packing up getting ready.
Thursday June 3rd. Started on my way to Genoa, crossed over the river to Florence in company with Brother Goodwin and three sons, Bro. Holmes and one son, Bro. Saunders and Don Carlos Babbitt. We took Margaret Therelkeld to do our cooking, washing, etc. We also took four yoke of oxen, one span of horses and two cows. We arrived at Florence about noon, we turned out our cattle to feed a little and one of our cows which I bought off my brother Joseph, started off unobserved and when we got ready to start on, could not be found. We searched for her all thee afternoon to no effect and finally stopped all night.
Friday 4th. This morning Brother Saunders and one of Brother Goodwin's boys took the track of the cow, and followed her about five miles down the river and found where she went down the bank and forded the river. I then got another cow of Brother Pyper and started on our way, and camped for the night at the Elkhorn river.
Saturday 5th. Started early and came within seven miles of the town of Freemont, and stopped for the night.
Sunday 6th. Traveled about 20 miles and stopped for the night.
Monday 7th. Started early, had several bad sloughs to cross and camped for the night near the town of Columbus.
Tuesday 8th. Started early and arrived at Genoa about 2 o'clock.
Wednesday 9th. Very stormy in the morning, in the afternoon went up the Beaver river about 5 miles and selected land claims and place to put in crops.
Thursday 10th. Moved our wagon into the land we had selected and commenced plowing to put in crops.
Friday 11th. Got up early in the morning and assisted in planting, marking gardens, etc.
Saturday 12th. Assisted in planting.
Sunday 13th. Storming in the morning, broke away about 10 o'clock. Went to meeting at Genoa. Spoke to the people about the building up of the Kingdom of God, both in the fore and afterpart of the day. They possessed a good spirit, felt well and seemed highly pleased with the privilege of greeting me as their president.
Monday 14th. Went to Genoa and got our plow sharpened and bought and brought back some potatoes and buckwheat.
Tuesday 15th. Helped fix the breaking plow and assisted in breaking.
Wednesday 16th. Assisted in keeping the plow in order and in breaking.
Thursday 17th. Went to Genoa at 2 o'clock to attend to some business, and at 4 o'clock attended prayer meeting at the school house and had a good time. The Brethren and Sisters manifested a good spirit and will to harken to counsel.
Friday 18th. Assisted Margaret in cooking and done some chores about the camp, etc.
Saturday 19th. My health still continues very poor, but I think on the whole mending slowly.
Sunday 20th. Attended meeting at Genoa, had a good time. The Saints felt well. Had a petition signed at the close of the meeting for a Post Office at Genoa.
Monday 21st. Wrote some letters to my brothers at Florence, and Crescent City, to make some arrangements with them to get some goods to see and Genoa and for assistance from my brother Joseph to get a Post Office at Genoa.
Tuesday 22nd. Went to Genoa to carry my letters and gave them to Brother Cotton to take to Crescent City. I also went to Monroe to do some business for Brother Pyper, who lives in Florence.
Wednesday 23rd. Spent the day at the camp assisting about plowing, planting, etc.
Thursday 24th. Went to prayer meeting at Genoa, at 4 o'clock. Had a first rate time. Got to camp in a shower late in the evening.
Friday 25th. Early in the morning packed up to move to Genoa, but could not find our teams, and so stopped in camp all day in suspense.
Saturday 26th. Got up our teams early and arrived at Genoa about 9 o'clock. Brother Goodwin and Brother Sanders, with Don Babbitt, started for Crescent City. We moved into a cellar.
Sunday 27th. Attended meeting at the school house and had a first rate time.
Monday 28th. Had a business meeting at 4 o'clock and counseled the Saints on many subjects.
Tuesday 29th. Today all the Saints turned out and built a first rate bowery, 40 by 50 square feet.
Wednesday 30th. Went to look out a mill seat and found a very good chance for building a mill.
Thursday 1st of July. Being the first Thursday of the month and set apart by the authorities of the Church, as a day of public fasting and prayer by the Church, I recommended the same to be observed. We accordingly met in our new bowery for that purpose but was soon interrupted by a band of 40 or 50 Son Indians, who came into our city to beg and trade. We gave them some flour, potatoes, bread, salt, and traded some with them and soon they left. We had a first rate time in the meeting and dismissed about 4 o'clock.
Friday 2nd. Rainy in the morning, went in the afternoon with Brother Hudson to examine the mill seat, to take a level to find out the head and fall of water, and was some disappointed, not so good as expected.
Saturday 3rd. Health poor. Visited a little about town.
Sunday 4th. Had meeting the Bowery. The Saints mostly present. Spoke upon the subject of doing all things after the pattern we have received from headquarters, had a good time in the afternoon. Administered the Sacrament.
Monday 5th. Met in the Bowery and celebrated the nations birthday, which was done in the spirit of loyalty and good order, everyone enjoying themselves first rate.
Tuesday 6th. Prepared the school house to move into, the privilege having been given me some days previous.
Wednesday 7th. Moved into the school house.
Thursday 8th. Had prayer meeting at 4 o'clock in the bowery, with a good congregation and first rate time.
Friday 9th. Assisted to build a fence around the house to keep the horses and cattle away, and at 5 o'clock had a meeting of business. Spoke to the brethren of the need of a grist mill and requested labor donations to assist in the building one. Had 191 days labor with as many days of team work subscribed in a few moments for the purpose.
Saturday 10th. At home and visiting.
Sunday 11th. Attended meeting. Spoke to the people both in the fore and afternoon, and had a good time.
Monday 12th. Stopped at home all day.
Tuesday 13th. Stopped at home till half past 5 o'clock, then by request went to the first females prayer meeting in Genoa and gave them instructions about selecting their president, conducting their meeting, etc.
Wednesday 14th. Stopped at home a part of the day, and visited some.
Thursday 15th. Attended prayer meeting till 4 o'clock in the bowery, a good spirit prevailed and the brethren and sisters all seemed alive and felt well.
Friday 16th. Made couple of rough bedsteads. Stormy in the afternoon.
Saturday 17th. I was called out last night to visit a sick child. In the morning very cloudy.
Sunday 18th. Attended meeting at the bowery, had a good time in speaking. The sacrament was administered in the afternoon, the Saints all felt well.
Monday 19th. Assisted in arranging to build a corral to keep the cattle in nights to prevent their destroying the crops.
Tuesday 20th. Labored on the corral.
Wednesday 21st. Stormy all day. Brother James Pitman died this morning between 7 and 8 o'clock, with Jaundice.
Thursday 22nd. Brother Pitman was buried today about 12 o'clock. Attended the funeral and at four o'clock attended the prayer meeting. Had a good time.
Friday 23rd. A band of Omaha Indians visited us today, with whom we traded some and gave their seven chiefs a supper.
Saturday 24th. This being the day the pioneers entered the valley of the Great Salt Lake, we celebrated the day be a general meeting in the Bowery at 9 o'clock, after singing and prayer, I spoke to the audience at some length, on the subject of the rise of the church, their progress, persecutions and final expulsion from the U.S. to deserts of the mountains and the course the present administration was pursuing towards them. After myself, remarks were made by several others, after which many appropriate toasts were given and several songs were sung suited to the occasion, and dismissed at 12 o'clock. At one o'clock we had a first rate picnic dinner in the bowery, after which the tables were taken away and we had music and dancing until near sundown.
Sunday 25th. Had meeting in the bowery at 10 o'clock and a first rate time both in the fore and after part of the day. After meeting Brother Homer with a company of Danes consisting of all 15 wagons, arrived in town on their way to Utah.
Monday 26th. Very stormy most of the day.
Tuesday 27th. Tremendous storm all the forenoon, better in the afternoon, Brother Homer's company went down to the river to cross but could not make out, and started back to the ferry at Columbus.
Wednesday 28th. Stopped at home all day.
Thursday 29th. In the morning went down to Shackelton's and Pilling's saw mill and contracted with them to run a pair of small mill stones by their stream power, and in the afternoon returned and attended prayer meeting in the bowery but had to dismiss on account of a shower.
Friday 30th. Visiting with Brother Hudson and others most of the day.
Saturday 31st. Went to the mill in company with Brothers N. Davis and Gillis to make some arrangements about rebedding the engine and boiler and building a house sufficient for the saw mill and grist mill. Returned at 4 o'clock and attended a lecture from a Methodist in the Bowery.
Sunday August 1st. Attended meeting in the Bowery. General attendance and good feeling manifested.
Monday 2nd. Concluded to go to Florence to get mill stones and some goods. Spent the day in making arrangements.
Tuesday 3rd. Started for Florence at about 11 o'clock. Stopped and done some business at the sawmill and nooned at the Looking Glass Creek. Camped for the night about 5 miles below Columbus. I had with me Sister Pitman and her daughter, and drove Brother Foremaster's mules. The mosquitos were so thick that the mules rolled incessantly in the sand all night to keep from being devoured.
Wednesday 4th. Started very early in the morning and traveled to Fremont where we stopped for the night.
Thursday 5th. Arrived at Florence at about 5 o'clock and crossed over the river to Crescent City.
Friday 6th. Sold a land warrant to Charles Blake for drugs and commenced selecting them.
Saturday 7th. Purchased a small pair of burr mill stones off Andrew Williams for which I paid him $100 in gold.
Sunday 8th. Spent the day mostly at Ellisdale.
Monday 9th. Got a team of my brother Joseph's, packed up my goods, and crossed the river to Florence.
Tuesday 10th. Packed up my groceries which my brother William had purchased and brought up from Omaha.
Wednesday 11th. Started home with the mule team, and left the ox team with Brother Davis to drive home in the company with Brothers Huff and Shackelton. I drove to Freemont and camped for the night.
Thursday 12th. Drove to the west side of Shell Creek and camped for the night.
Friday 13th. Drove to Brother Suttzer's on the Looking glass creek and stopped for the night.
Saturday 14th. Arrived home at a little before 12 o'clock. Towards evening, my brother Joseph from Crescent City, Iowa, arrived with some others on an expedition to explore the Left Fork of the Platt River. In the evening, Judge Applebee, with small company on their way to Utah, arrived in our city.
Sunday 15th. Attended meeting in the bowery, had a good congregation. Judge Applebee, with some others, spoke to the people. Had a good time.
Monday 16th. Spent the day at home with my brothers, and in assisting to cross Brother Applebee's company over the river.
Tuesday 17th. Stopped at home, unwell.
Wednesday 18th. Fixed up some shelves for my goods.
Thursday 19th. My ox team arrived with my goods, a little after noon, unloaded the goods, and Joseph and Brother Pyper unpacked and put them up, while I attended prayer meeting at the Bowery.
Friday 20th. My brother and company started home. I went with them as far as Monroe, to attend to some business, and returned in the evening.
Saturday 21st. Stopped at home to arrange matters about my goods.
Sunday 22nd. Attended meeting in the Bowery. Had a good time.
Monday 23rd. Fixed some things about home, health rather poor.
Tuesday 24th. Prepared and put up medicine.
Wednesday 25th. Unwell, and done but little.
Thursday 26th. Attended meeting in the Bowery at 4 o'clock.
Friday 27th. Very unwell, done a little in preparing medicine.
Saturday 28th. Felt symptoms of chills and fever, yet worked at preparing medicine most of the day.
Sunday 29th. Attended meeting in the Bowery. Had a good time in speaking to the people.
Monday 30th. Spent the day in making ink, and preparing essences and medicine.
Tuesday 31st. The Omaha Indians returned from their buffalo hunt, and was engaged with them most of the day.
Wednesday September 1st. Spent the day mostly in preparing medicine.
Thursday 2nd. Being the first Thursday in the month, was our day of fasting and prayer. At the end of the meeting in the Bowery, the Saints mostly together, had a good time.
Friday 3rd. Went up to our field on the Beaver, and brought home some garden vegetables.
Saturday 4th. Went to mill to assist to get in the new foundation.
Sunday 5th. Attended meeting in the Bowery, sacrament in the forenoon. And in the afternoon, I spoke to the Saints, and had a good time in speaking.
Monday 6th. Went to the mill again to assist on the foundation.
Tuesday 7th. Stormy. Stopped at home.
Wednesday 8th. Went to the mill again.
Thursday 9th. Went to the mill in the forepart of the day, and at 4 o'clock attended prayer meeting in the Bowery.
Friday 10th. Went to the mill to try to forward the work.
Saturday 11th. Went to the mill and helped move the engine on to its new foundation.
Sunday 12th. Attended meeting and the Bowery and had a good time.
Sunday 19th. Worked at the mill every day through the past week. Today attended the funeral of Brother Bowden, and had a meeting in the Bowery.
Monday 20th. Went to the mill, attended a meeting of the association in the evening.
Tuesday 21st. Went to examine the timber on the Left Fork of the Platt River and looked for a place to fence in a large field for the benefit of the poor Saints, who we expect will gather here in the spring.
Wednesday 22nd. Stopped at home, planning some arrangements to gather up the poor Saints abroad, and to procure the necessary means to sustain the Saints in Genoa, and prevent them from selling their surplus grain to the Gentiles, that it may be kept for the poor who are expected to gather here in the spring.
Thursday 23rd; Attended meeting in the Bowery, laid my plans for gathering the Saints before the congregation, which was accepted and adopted.
Friday 24th. Stopped at home.
Saturday 25th. Unwell, and stayed at home.
Sunday 26th. Had meeting in the Bowery, and had a first rate time.
Monday 27th. Went over the Loup Fork and put up the body of a log house.
Tuesday 28th. I started about noon, to go to Omaha and Council Bluffs City, to get belt and bolt cloth for the mill and procure some goods. I arrived at my brother's at Florence, on Thursday, at 4 o'clock, and on Friday, I went to Omaha and purchased a few goods and on Saturday, went over to my brother's at Crescent City, and on Monday, I went to Council Bluffs City, and bought the things for my mill, with some other goods, and returned to my brother's at Crescent, and bought a few goods off him and on Tuesday, returned over the river to Florence, and bought a few goods off my brother William, and started for home on Wednesday, and arrived on Saturday 9th of October, in a heavy rain.
Sunday 10th. Took cold returning home in the rain, very lame in the small of my back. Stormy all day, no meeting. Brethren constantly coming in.
Monday 11th. Still continues lame. Stayed in the house most of the day. Cloudy weather.
Tuesday 12th. Cleared off this morning. Some better of my lameness. Stopped home most of the day.
Friday 15th. Went up the Beaver to the field, found all right except what corn had been destroyed by the wolves and crows. Brought home some beets and seed cucumber.
Saturday 16th. Brothers Eldridge, Kesler, Cannon and others arrived from Salt Lake and we crossed them over the river about dark.
Sunday 17th. Had meeting at Brother Shackelton's. Brothers Cannon, Eldridge, and Young took the lead in speaking, had a good time. In the evening, the Land Association was called together. Some of it's members, manifested some dissatisfaction with my measures, but Brother Eldridge said that he thought that I had done as well as he or any other man would have done, under the circumstances, and was well satisfied with all my moves.
Monday 18th. Brother Eldridge and company started on at about 12 o'clock. I went with them as far as the saw mill and returned home.
Tuesday 19th. Stopped at home all day.
Sunday 24th. Cold north east storm. No meeting today. My health still continues poor.
Monday 25th. Still continues stormy. Stopped at home through the day.
Tuesday 26th. Storm continues, no business done.
Wednesday 27th. Still continues stormy.
Thursday 28th. Very stormy all night, everything wet about the houses this morning. I will here record the name and birth place of Lucy Carroll, who was given to me by her father as my own child. She was born in New Brunswick, Count of York, Parish of Canterbury, on the eighth day of September, 1846. Her father's name is William Carroll, her mothers maiden name was Esther Mack, who died in Kansas Territory. Lucy wishes to be called from this time forward by my name, Lucy Johnson.
Friday 29th. Still continues stormy, bad weather, so there is not much business done.
Saturday 30th. Storm abated, fair weather today. I wrote a letter to John Eager, my son in law, and one to my family. Attended Elder's quorum meeting in the evening.
Sunday 31st. Cloudy again, no meeting on account of the exposed state of the crops, the balance of people being required to save them, as a large share of them are already destroyed.
Monday November 1st. Went to dig my potatoes on the Beaver river. Margaret went to assist me, but it was very cold. Dug about 7 bushels and returned home late in the evening.
Tuesday 2nd. Went again to dig potatoes.
Wednesday 3rd. Cold and snowy, and had to stay at home.
Thursday 4th. Cold and stormy, was obliged to stay at home.
Friday 5th. Went to dig potatoes on the Beaver and brought home 24 bushels.
Saturday 6th. Cold and stayed at home.
Sunday 7th. Had a meeting at Brother Dalhymples, but very few present. Spoke to them myself, showing the evil consequences of disobeying counsel. In the evening called the teachers together and gave them some instructions.
Monday 8th. Cold and stormy. The High Priests Quorum met in council at my house in the evening, among other things, considered the case of Gabriel Cotton, who had ran over the rules and laws of the city association, by jumping land claims and threatening blood if molested. The council agreed unanimously that he could not be sustained or fellowshipped by the Saints in Genoa, therefore the teachers were instructed to warn the Saints not to have anything to do with him, in any shape or form, neither buying or sell, and that all who sustained him by trading with him could not be fellowshipped by the Saints.
Sunday 14th. Had meeting at Brother Dalhymple's. Very cold and but few present. Labored on the mill most of the past week, although very cold and severe weather.
Sunday 21st. Had meeting at Brother Dalhymple's in the day time and in the evening at Brother Sinclair's. Labored on the mill the past week.
Thursday 25th. Started the grist mill towards evening and found it answering my expectation.
Sunday 28th. Had meeting at Brother Dalhymple's, spoke to the Saints on the subject of disobedience and the evil consequences of taking the advantage of each other and told them that I felt more like going by myself and weeping, than I did like talking and after meeting, while comparing my own works with the strictness of the law of God, felt my leanness. How would my heart rejoice to hear,
My Heavenly Father say,
"Come, thou, my son, wipe every tear,
And drive thy griefs away."
"The shame of sin and death that bound
And hold thee in the dust,
And did thy Spirit gall and wound
Is now forever burst."
"Thy cry, like Paul's has long been heard,
"Who can deliver me?"
But mercy's hand had interfered,
At length and not thee free."
How would my heart leap and rejoice
With praise to His great name
To hear my Heavenly Father's voice,
To me those words proclaim.
Wednesday December 1st. Went to the mill, but turned so cold in the afternoon that it was impossible to work, and come home.
Thursday 2nd. Cold and stormy. So much that I scarcely went out of doors all day.
Friday 3rd. Very cold. Stopped at home.
Saturday 4th. A little more pleasant, although quite cold. Stayed at home.
Sunday 5th. Attended meeting at Brother Dalhymple's. It being cold, not many present. Brother Dalhymple spoke to the people on the subject of disobedience to counsel. I spoke after him on the same subject, and had a good time. Attended prayer meeting in the evening, at Brother Sinclairs, had quite an interesting time.
Monday 6th. Cloudy and cold.
Sunday 12th. Had meeting at Brother Dalhymple's in the day time, and in the evening at Brother Sinclairs. Spent most to the past week gathering my corn on the Beaver.
Sunday 19th. Had meeting at Brother Dalhymple's in the day time. Brother Hudson gave an account of his mission to St. Louis, etc., showing the reason why he did not succeed in the business for which he was sent, which was to bring good to Genoa. Had meeting in the evening at Brother Sinclairs.
Monday 20th. Stopped at home all day, health very poor and not much appetite for food. Much anxiety of mind about my family and the bad state of affairs in Genoa.
Tuesday 21st. This morning Gabriel Cotton came into town and abused Brother Hudson in a shocking manner, and then made an attack upon me in the following manner.
As I was walking into Brother Nathan Davis's door yard, I heard someone from down the street calling my name. I turned to look, and saw a man coming up the street, and when he came near, I saw it was Cotton. He called to me again and wished me to come into the road, for he wanted to talk to me. I, knowing that he had threatened my life, told him that he could talk with me where I was, as I was standing inside Brother Davis's door yard. He then came up to the fence near where I was standing, which was by the side of it. I stood close to the ax with my right hand resting on the top of the handle. He then began to abuse me in a shameful manner. I told him to go away and leave me as I wanted nothing to do with him, but he continues his abuse, threatening my life. I told him if he took my life it would be nothing more than he had done, for he had proved himself a murderer long ago. He then made a rush towards me, gathering an ax in his way, and drawing it upon me. I retreated, taking with me the ax that I had my hand upon, but fearing that he would strike me in the back, I turned upon him and drew the ax that I held in my hand.
At this moment, Brother Davis with some others rushed down from the house and ordered him to lay down the ax, which he threw down. He retreated to the fence and drew his pistol, cocked it and swore that he was enough for a half a dozen of us. He then went away and a short time afterward he came by where I was sitting and talking to Brother Dalrymple and again threatened my life with many bitter oaths.
This same Gabriel Cotton had been stirring up rebellion and strife, through an opposition to his course caused his enmity to me.
Joel Hills Johnson - Journal
(covering the period from March 1861 to June 1882)
In March I went down to Virgin City with my wife Susan and planted out my city lot to fruit trees and grape vines, and returned home on the last day of the month. And in April I went to Salt Lake City with my wife Janet and had her sealed to me in the endowment room across the alter by President Brigham Young, and returned home on the 16th of May. In June I went down to Virgin City accompanied by my wife Margaret and in company with my son Nephi and cleared fenced made the water ditches for and planted four acres of land to Sugar Cane, near the mouth of North Creek, and returned home in the fore part of July and soon commenced harvesting my wheat, and continued at various kinds of farm labors until some time in October when I moved my wife Margaret down to Virgin City and having obtained a good Cane mill from the States through the aid of my son Sixtus I went to work and made up my sugar cane into molasses.
In November, several of the missionary families that were called to Dixie arrived in Virgin City with the Exploring Committee, Elders Branch, Whitmore, and Golden, who were appointed to look out locations for settlement, mill seats, etc, and by their urgent request I went with them to explore up North Creek and on the mountains 15 or 20 miles above Virgin City whence we found a plenty of good fine timber too good herds grounds and on North Creek six miles above the City a good mill seat. I had secured myself about nine acres of land across the river from town, besides the few acres before mentioned near the mouth of North Creek and preparing to build me a house over the river and while going to cut timber for that purpose I was met by Brother Snow and told to go and build a sawmill up North Creek, so I gave up my land and prepared to fill the mission he gave me.
About the first of December. I went up to my old place Fort Johnson to move down my wife Janet and bring my sheep and other stock and I arrived back on the 22 of the same month. My first child by my wife Margaret was born in Virgin city, Kane County, Utah, on the 23 of December 1862. at 11 o'clock, in the evening. We gave her the name of Esther Ellis after the name of my mothers mother.
On the 24th I moved my stock up North Creek to the place where the mill seat was located. On the 25th the great rain commenced and continued about 40 days and raised North Creek and Virgin River so high that hundreds of acres of good farming lands along the course was carried away. I soon built a place to live in and in January 1862 moved up my wife Janet. I then went to work clearing and fencing land and in the spring went and brought down from my old place Fort Johnson my stock of my orchard and nursery trees and planted them out on North Creek and at the same time I rented out my old farm to my son Seth and moved down my wife Susan to my place on North Creek.
January 5th, 1863. I moved my wife Margaret up to my place on North Creek, while my wife Susan went down and stopped in my house in Virgin City. I then hired hands and went to work at the mill in good earnest and had it completed and running in the spring and in September I went with my wives Susan and Margaret to Salt Lake City and attended the October Conference, and had Margaret sealed to me in the endowment house. Across the Alter Brother Wilford Woodruff officiated, and after visiting my friends and selling my house and lot in Virgin City to my brother William B. Johnson of Salt Lake City, I returned home in the latter part of November. In the fall and winter of 1863 and 64 there was a small town laid out on North Creek about one and a half miles below the mill and named Mountain Dell which contained about 10-15 families.
August 17, 1865. My second child, Mary Elizabeth, by my wife Margaret was born between 11 and 12 o'clock in the morning at my mill place near Mountain Dell, Kane County, Utah. In the winter of 1865 my son Nephi (being President at Virgin River City) came up and organized a branch of the church of about 40 members called the Mountain Dell branch, and I was appointed President with Rufus Allen and William Isom my counselors.
November 4, 1865. This day my son James F. of 13 years of age received a very severe accidental gunshot of cut slugs in his right heel which cut the cord and bones of his heel mostly to pieces. Some of the slugs came out at the instep, this accident was very painful and heart rending not only to himself but the whole family. He was confined to his bed and to the house about six months before he could walk.
The Navajo and other Indians having become very troublesome, the settlements between the Colorado and Virgin River were all called to come in and the small settlement in other places were counseled to come in strengthen up the larger ones therefore the little town of Mountain Dell on North Creek had to be broken up and moved to Virgin City.
Sometime about the first of June Brother Snow came up from St. George to visit the settlements on the river and I invited him to come up and see my place at the mill for I had built a good saw mill and had water sufficient to saw all the logs that would ever be brought to it and water all the land that was worth farming on the Creek. I also had planted about thirteen acres to various kinds of fruit trees and grape vines, and had the best Apple orchard in all the southern country and been to great labors in fencing, ditching, and making a good farm and thought he would certainly appreciate my labors and acknowledge my mission honorably fulfilled. But instead of that he censured me very highly and said things that I don't feel to mention. And for what cause has never told me, neither have I found out to this day. And when I saw that he did not sustain me in the mission he gave me, when I knew that I had filled it according to the best of my ability and knowledge I was sick at heart and discouraged, and resolved to leave the place as soon as I could get it off from my hands, for this cause I sold out to Joseph with William Black and made writing on the 9th of July, 1866, I then moved my family down to Virgin City into a cabin that I had built on my son Nephi's lot.
October 9, 1866. My sixth child Carlos by wife Janet was stillborn a fair full grown child. And on the same day my oldest daughter my Janet, Janet Maure, was married to Jesse N. Smith in the endowment house in Salt Lake City.
December 1, 1866. My third child by wife Margaret, Joseph Hills, was born about 1 o'clock in the morning at Virgin City. We stopped there through the winter in the spring of 1867 I built a cabin across the river on the same ground I was about to build the mill up North Creek. I also cleared off fenced and planted to orchard trees vines and nursery stock about 5 or 6 acres of land on the river bottom near by, which cost much labor for the ground was very uneven and had to be leveled with the shovel.
The trees were large and many of them commencing to bear. In the fall I built two adobe houses and built up the inside of my board cabin with adobes (which was over twenty feet square) and made it into two rooms this with the two houses that I had built made us good quarters for the winter. Sometime in the latter part of December there was a heavy rain storm which raised the streams tremendously and North Creek came up so high that it washed out one half or three fourths of an acre of my orchard land opposite its mouth. This event discouraged me in my prospects for an orchard and vineyard for I thought perhaps the next flood of the same kind might sweep off my land and destroy all my labors. I therefore concluded to seek a place somewhere else. Where I could build and plant with more safety, and so I went down to St. George and look about that place, Middleton, Washington, and Harrisburg, but could find no place that suited me that I could purchase upon any reasonable terms.
Towards Spring Bishop Willis of Toquerville requested me to take a look at South Ash Creek. So I done as he requested me and found the possibilities for orchard and vine growing better than I expected, so I bought out Brother Ralph, (the only settler at the place) and some other claims which amounted to about thirty acres of land and cost me one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.
March 1st 1868. I moved my wife Janet onto the place and commenced fencing and planting out trees and vines ( I let my son Nephi have all that he could make from my place on the river which had cost me over two thousand dollars in labor and means, for getting water out again, for the flood had swept away the water ditch.) I soon built a board cabin and got into it, which made us quite comfortable for the summer.
July 6, 1868. This day myself and three wives attended the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the departure of the remnant of the Saints that were left at Kirtland in the Kirtland camp which occurred on the sixth of July 1838. The Celebration took place in the Hall at St. George, the hall was densely crowded with saints from the different settlements, many of the old members of the camp were present. Some of which made short but appropriate and energetic speeches upon the subjects of the persecution of the Saints, their expulsion from Ohio, their journey through the states and arrival at Farr West in the fall of 1838, when the saints were finally being expelled from Missouri, etc.
A little after twelve o'clock the whole assembly partook of an excellent dinner prepared mostly by the old members of the camp, after dinner they all prepared to another apartment where dancing and singing and speech making were kept up until about 12 or one o'clock at night when all dispersed to their home. In the fall I built two more cabins and moved my other wives Susan and Margaret over from Virgin City and on the 16th of April 1869 Ezekiel, my fourth child by Margaret was born about three o'clock in the evening at Bellevue, Kane County, Utah. In the fall, I had very good crops although the locusts were very troublesome, through the summer.
June 22nd, 1870. Myself with three wives, Susan, Janet, and Margaret and my son James with two teams started for Salt Lake City and arrived at the City on the second day of July and stopped at my brother William D. Johnson's and on the sixth day Susan and myself with my sister Esther M. LaBaron went to the endowment house and were baptized and sealed for the following persons: I was baptized and sealed for Joseph Hills, Jabez Hills, Joseph Hills, Joel Hills, and Enoch Forbush. Esther M. LaBaron was baptized and sealed for Esther Hills, wife of Joseph Hills, Margaret Hills, wife of Jabez Hills, Milly Hills, wife of Joseph Hills, Rhoda Hills, wife of Joel Hills, and Polly Forbush, wife of Enoch Forbush.
Esther was also baptized for Julia and Annie Taft, both my cousins and were both sealed to me. My wife Susan was baptized and sealed for Charlotte Fuller, Pavney Lymon, Harriet Webster, and Lucy Holmes, all sealed to me
July 7th. Myself and three wives all went to the endowment house and received our second anointing under the hand of President Daniel H. Wells.
July 9th. Susan, Janet and James started to go and visit our friends at Logan, Cache County.
July 11th. Myself and Margaret started for home and arrived July 23 and found those of my family there all well, but the water was mostly dried up so that our crops was very poor this season. In the fall my brother William Johnson from Salt Lake City with his family moved down to Washington in Washington County, and my brother in law David T. LaBaron and family came down from the city on a visit for the winter, and also my brother Benjamin F. Johnson and family from Mona, Juab county, all came down on a visit through the winter, and at Christmas we had a general family meeting the St. George Hall at St. George. President Brigham Young, George A. Smith and Erastus Snow were present, the house was crowded. We had supper in the evening after which we had speeches, dancing, singing, etc. Had a good time and broke up about 12 o'clock.
January 2, 1871. I was ordained a Patriarch in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints under the hands of President Brigham Young, George A. Smith being the mouth. About this time President Young suggested to us that the Johnson family have what was called the Spring Canyon Ranch twelve miles north of Kanab for a stock race and for all the family who wished to settle there, and requested us to go and look at it which we agreed to do as soon as we conveniently could.
January 23rd, 1871. Myself being as St. George at the house of my brother Joseph and most of the family being present, the requested me to give them Patriarchal or Father's Blessings, which I did in the following order: Joseph E. Johnson, Benjamin F. Johnson, George W. Johnson, William D. Johnson, David T. Labaron, my sister, Esther M. LeBaron, Harriet Johnson, Eliza Johnson, Benjamin F. Johnson, Jr., Horatio Picket, Esther Ellis LeBaron, and Nancy H. Babbitt, being 14 in number. The above blessings are recorded in Book No. 1 of the records of Patriarchal Blessings under the hand of Joel H. Johnson. The next morning I started for home and arrived late in the evening, having previously made arrangements to meet my brothers and some others at Virgin City on our way out to look at Spring Canyon Ranch near Kanab, agreeable to the request of President Young. We according went our and found a beautiful canyon from half a mile wide several miles long covered with grass, with small springs coming out at the bluffs on each side, and a small beautiful stream running from the mouth of the Canyon, plenty of excelled grass for meadow and stock range extending for many miles around. We were highly pleased with the place and concluded to accept of the President's offer. Therefore we made arrangements for some of us to move there in the Spring and start a cooperative Stock Association for herding stock raising and dairy purposes, after which we all returned home. In the latter part of March I moved my wife Susan and her two boys Joel and Lamon out to Johnson and my brother William, who was stopping at Washington moved out his family also and my brother Joseph sent out three young men.
We took tolls, grain and seeds of many kinds for farming and gardening, and also trees and vines for orchards and vineyards. My two oldest sons Sixtus and Nephi also moved part of their families out and all went to work. Some to planting out fruit trees and vines, some to building cabins, other to plowing, planting, garden making, etc. I then started for home and met my brother Benjamin at Virgin City on his way out to Johnson with farming tools or implements, grains, seeds, etc.
Sometime in the month of March my brother-in-law George Wilson came up from the muddy to my house and was taken sick with the mountain fever, and did not recover until the last of April. And about the first of May we took a trip to Johnson and found that the water had mostly died up and the prospect very small to raise crops there, although the boys kept on planting and sowing and looking for rain, we stopped a few days and came home and found that the grasshoppers had destroyed all that I had planted.
Seeing the I was going to fail in both places to make a crop, I suggested to Brother Wilson that we go and look out a place on which to build a saw mill (he being a good millwright), he though it would be a good plan, so we started with a team and went up by Parowan and over the mountain to Panguitch, we told Bishop Sevy our business, and he though we had better build a mill eight miles above that place on the Sevier River, but we concluded to go and look in Long Valley for Brother Wilson had acquaintances there. So the next day we went on our journey and stopped and looked at the place Brother Sevy mentioned on the Sevier River. We found a good place for farming, a good mill sight and plenty of good sawing timber nearby, but we went on over to Long Valley and found that Joseph W. Young had agreed to build a saw mill there, so we crossed over the mountain into Kanab Canyon and down to Kanab and out round to Johnson, and found the boys nearly discouraged about making crops on account of the drought. We stopped a few days and organized a Cooperative Stock Association, and then we started for home down the Sevier River and my son David went with us and when we came to the mill place we had looked out, we stopped and took another look and concluded to make a permanent location there for farming and mill building. We then came home and Brother Wilson moved his family to Panguitch. They all took shares in the mill and went to work, and I agreed to furnish provision and mill irons. In September I took out a load of Provisions and brought out David's share of the mill and he went to Spring Lake Villa.
Almera W., my fifth child by my wife Margaret was born October 25, 1871, at 11 o'clock in the evening at Bellevue.
November 17, 1871. I went to St. George to see President Young and George A. Smith and gave them a description of out place on the Sevier and an account of what we are doing there. They were much pleased with what I told them and instructed me to take out a surveyor and survey the land and a town plot and get all the settles that I could.
December 31. Went to St. George and spent New Year's Day with my brother Joseph, and returned home January 3rd. Weather very warm and beautiful for this season of the year.
January 4th. Went to Virgin City to attend to home business and returned home on Sunday the 7th of January.
Saturday 13th. Went to Toquerville and returned home next day.
February 20th. Went north to sell trees, vines, etc, at Harmony, gave a lecture on fruit growing and vines and went out to Fort Hamilton and stopped all night at Peter Fifes. Sold a few trees in the morning and went on to Parowan. Made a few sales and returned home on the 25th.
March 13th. Started to move Janet to my mill place on the Sevier River which I call Hillsdale, it being a valley between the hills. Hills also being a part of my own name came to Parowan on the evening of the 14th. Attended the School of the Prophets. On the 16th, gave them a lecture on the Word of Wisdom, etc. Started for Panguitch on the 17th, arrived on the 18th and found Brother Wilson and family all well. Stopped over night. Next day moved all up to Hillsdale. Brother Wilson and family went into the house and Janet and family went into the Blacksmith Shop, the next day we commenced anew our labors on the mill. Joel went to Johnson and brought over the most of my stock, and then went to Red Creek to Mill. I labored hauling timber for the mill, making garden, etc. until the 22nd of April, when I started for home at Bellevue and arrived on the 26th and found all well.
May 10th. I went over to Virgin City to see the boys and do some business, and returned home the next day.
May 13th. Started to go to Hillsdale in company with Brother James C. Snow, surveyor for Kane County to survey up the land and lay out a town. Camped for the night between Hamilton and Cedar City.
May 14th. Commenced raining early in the morning, rained till noon and then commenced snowing, with cold wind in the north. Got to summit about the middle of the afternoon. Stopped all night while it continued snowing and all the next day, snow fell 19 or 20 inches deep, on the 16th went from Summit to Parowan.
May 17th. Brother Snow concluded to return home and I started for Hillsdale to which place I arrived on Sunday 19th over dreadful roads. Stopped at Hillsdale three weeks lacking one day, and started on the 8th of June and arrived home on the 10th.
I will insert here a hymn written for March 23rd, 1872, that being my birthday and seventy years of age. Patient waiting by the river
For my Heavenly guide,
To escort me safely over
To my Father's side.
Where a mansion my dear Savior
Has prepared for me
To inherit safe forever
And from sorrow free.
Oft my dear ones long departed
Cross the fearful tide
While my cheeks oft feel sweet kisses
From my youthful bride.
These to me are Heavenly Heralds
Bringing glories dawn
Golden Streams along the orient,
Ushering in the moon
Like the star that came to token
Christ the Savior near,
Filling me with Joy unbroken
While I tarry here.
Waiting still beside the river
For my faithful guide,
To escort me to my mansion
On the Heavenly side.
July 20th. I started again to go to Hillsdale and arrived there on the 23rd, and on the 24th went down to Panguich to attend the Celebration of the 24th of July. Got there late. Services of the day mostly through. A part of the oration and most of the toasts following were mine. The God of the Gentile,
Gold, office, wine, and courtesans
The God of the Saints
Eloheim, truth, virtue and celestial lives.
The people had a first rate time, at the close all appeared satisfied and happy, and I returned back to Hillsdale.
Monday August 25th. Edward Dalton, County Surveyor for Iron County, came over to Survey land for the Hillsdale settlement. He laid out a small town plot and surveyed a strip of land about 5 miles long, about equal distance each way from the mill up and down the river and one hundred and ninety rods wide. I expected to have started the mill before I left, but when we left the water into the race or ditch we found that it would not carry a sufficient quantity to run it therefore had to enlarge the race.
Wednesday August 7th. Started for home and arrived on Friday the 9th.
September 24th. I left home to go again to Hillsdale with a load of fruit and arrived there on the 28th and found all well. Let out my share of the mill, being three fourths to Nephi and Seth one year for half the profits. Settled up my mill account with Brother Wilson and others. Found something due me besides three fourths of the mill. I hauled a few logs. Sold lumber, raised a little money, helped fix up a house for Janet and made arrangement to build one for Susan. And started for Bellevue on the 13th or October. Stopped at Panguich all night and arrived home on the 17th and found all well.
October 26th. The signs of the times and whisperings of the Spirit is to me, that the keys of the resurrection will soon be given through Joseph, and the spirit of my prayer has been almost hourly for the last few months in language similar to the following lines. When my weakness Lord I see
My poor heart is sickened
Help me then to walk with thee
That I may be quickened.
Haste, Oh! Haste the glorious time
Long by Saints expected
When the pure in every clime
Shall be resurrected
May I see the looked for day
And be with the number
Who have walked the narrow way.
Free from Death's cold slumber.
November 12th. Went to Virgin City to do business with Sixtus and Nephi. Sold Nephi a yoke of oxen and bought four hives of bees and having bargained for two hives sometime before I bought home six hives on the 14th.
January 19th, 1873. From the above date to the present I have labored on the farm at Bellevue, building stables, fences, etc., preparatory for the summers operations.
I wish here to say a few words about the education of my children as I have not done it before, after I embraced the fullness of the Gospel in 1831, until I came to Utah in 1848. I was driven about by persecuting mobs from place to place not being allowed to stop but a few months or a year or so in a place and often where there was no school. So that it was impossible for me to send them to school but a little, and since I have been in Utah I have made eleven new places of settlements, some of them I have made voluntarily, others I have been called to make by the authorities of the Church, all of which I conscientiously done for the advancing of the work of the Lord including the benefit of my family. There being no schools for a year or two in those new places my children were deprived of advancing their education, but always went to school where there was any chance. But some of them would not take any interest in gaining an education but had rather do almost anything else than to go to school which gave me much sorrow for when I would try to encourage them they would slight my counsel, if any of them ever complain of their father's neglect in schooling them it will be those who never improved the opportunity that they had. TO MY WIFE MARGARET
Oh, Maggie my dear one thou wife of old age
More precious thy kindness to me
That friendship of kingdoms, of princes, or sages
Or thousands in treasures could be.
We met among strangers where friends were but few
I asked you to stand by my side
You promised forever, with love firm and true
And soon you became my dear bride.
When sickness and sorrow attended my way
And enemies sought for my life
They kindest attention and love was my stay
As that of true faithful wife.
The blessing of Heaven thy path shall attend
And cause all thy sorrows to flee
And never be lacking a true faithful friend
Because of thy kindness to me.
January 21st, 1873. Went down to St. George to see the President so some other business. Arrived there on the 22nd. Found the President just ready to start for Virgin City, therefore could not see him until he returned. I then concluded to stop and attend a two day meeting to be held on the following Saturday and Sunday in the St. George Tabernacle. The house was crowded with brethren and sisters from other settlements as well as St. George. The next that the speakers mostly dwelt upon was "except ye are one, ye are not mine", the most of the teaching was for the Saints to be one and cease working for, and feeding the Gentiles. But let them alone and go to with their mights and build up Zion. To cease hauling everything they had to spare to Peoche to build up the Gentiles, but bring it to St. George and build up the Temple and Kingdom of God. The President then called for all those who were willing to let Peoche alone and not go there to work or haul anything to them, but would help build up Zion, and had been in the Church forty years to rise up and hold up their right hand, there was ten that arose. He then called for those that had been members of the church 25 years and there was a good show, and so on down to those that had been in the church 15 years, reducing five years each time, I was truly thankful to see a beginning made to introduce the Saints today to the first Commandment given to the Church, that was to "Come out of Babylon, Oh my people, be ye Separate, TOUCH NOT, TASTE NOT, handle not of her unclean things" this commandment of the Church as a people have never kept, for this cause we have been mobbed and driven from place to place and still the spirit of mobocracy is after us. We have constantly sought after unclean things of the Gentiles of Babylon, such as their strong drinks, tobacco, tea, coffee, bacon, and all the round of their canned and bottled fruits. and provisions, candies, etc. With their clothing, fashions, manners, customs, and many of their practices, while the Lord said that those things were unclean and not for the good of man. And that the beauty of our apparel should be of the workmanship of our own fingers. While we continue to follow after Babylon, the Spirit of Babylon will follow us and our children and we can't help ourselves. I have refused to use their unclean things and to follow their fashions for the last forty years and have always preached against it and feel thankful that the first step is taken to bring the Saints out of Babylon.
I returned home from St. George on Tuesday the 28th and on Friday the 31st went down to Toquerviulle to do business with my son Seth and towards evening partook of an excellent supper in the hall prepared for the President and party, but the President was not there. I returned home on Saturday the 1st of February.
April 11th, 1873. A few days back has been very cold and stormy with heavy freezing. Apricots and peaches mostly killed. I started today to go to Parowan to get some potatoes for planting and do some other business. Arrived there about noon the next day being Saturday, done up my business satisfactorily, and tarried over the Sabbath and preached to the people, and had a very interesting time in showing the people their unwillingness to come out of Babylon according to the commandments of God, and the Consequences that did and would follow. They paid good attention and most of them seemed to receive the word with gladness.
I started for home on Monday at noon and arrived home on Tuesday a little after sundown. My wife Janet had come over from Hillsdale to Parowan where I found her in tolerable good health and was very glad to see her, not having had the privilege for nearly or quite six months.
Oh, Susie dear, with love and cheer
May all with thee be well
My love for thee, while true to me,
This tongue can never tell.
And Jennie, love, Can I reprove
Or say thou are untrue
With love like mine, and virtue thine,
I always shall say no.
And Maggie, too, my love for you
I cannot now express
While thou to me shall faithful be,
I shall thee love and bless.
Should each prove true their work to do
Like true and faithful wives
Then all shall share, my love and care
With crown of endless l lives.
June 5th, 1873. Started to go to Hillsdale with my little girl Mary, arrived at Parowan on the 6th about noon. Got Brother Daniel Allen to repair my harness and went on and camped for the night near the top of the mountain. Next day arrived at Hillsdale and found all well.
I settled with George Wilson and bought out his share of the mill for which I paid him five hundred dollars, mostly in stock. Rented the mill to Nephi and Seth, some other necessary business and started for Bellevue on the Seventeenth and arrived on the 20th. Found all well.
July 8th, 1873. A few days ago I received a letter from my sister Esther M. LaBaron of Salt Lake City and with it her portrait. In my answer I wrote the following lines. THE PORTRAIT
When your dear portrait I beheld
So smiling good and true
My heart with joy and love was filled
It seemed so much like you.
But when I kissed it oft so sweet
I felt within a pain
Because there was no love too great
And kiss me back again.
August 12th, 1873. My health has become uncommonly good this summer so far, my mind has been a little exercised this morning with the following. THOUGHTS ON SMALL THINGS
A Whispered word the heart may cheer
And in despair give hope
A look of love may banish fear
and lift the sinking up.
Scorn not the simplest word or deed
Lest some good thought you spoil
There's life to spring in every seed
When hid beneath the soil.
Your words and acts; no one can guess
How great their force may be
Nor what results may crown and bless
Those who are blessed by thee.
Work on despair not; let your mite
Of wisdom, love and care
Be given to all who would do right
God then will hear your prayers.
August 17th. Today, I baptized and confirmed my second daughter by my wife Margaret (Mary Elizabeth), being nine years old today. I also wrote the following short poem entitled:
There is a precious treasure,
Its value never told.
That all may own at pleasure,
Yet never bought or sold.
This jewel too, will make you,
A true and faithful friend.
And never will forsake you,
In time, or at its end.
Will never brook denial,
Of what is just and tie.
And every story and trial,
Will bring you safely through.
While all in every station,
In childhood, age, and youth.
Through it may gain salvation,
This precious gem, is truth.
October 28th, 1873. Today my daughter Susan Martineau with her oldest son Henry and four small children arrived at house from Logan, Cache County, Utah. I was very glad of her visit having not seen her for twelve years. She stopped a week and went over to Virgin City to visit her sister Sariah Workman and stopped with her a weekend and returned.
November 15th. Today my daughter Susan with my wife Susan and her son Joel and Henry Martineau started for Hillsdale. I sent with them the following lines to my wife Janet who had refused to come and stay with me through the winter while my wife Margaret should go to Hillsdale for her children to attend school. TO JANET
My heart with pain is filled today
For one, long years so good and kind
Now from my council turn away
And to my wishes not resigned
Tears only now my grief can tell
Yet wish my long loved darling well.
The Lord forgive thee is my prayer
And help thee to obey my will
And seek my love and tender care
That I may love and bless thee still.
Wile of the Lord thou shalt be blessed
With light and love shall f ill thy breast.
Then cleave to me with all thy heart
And let no evil spirit dare
To cause our friendship to depart
And crowns of glory thou shalt wear
With me when mortal life is past
And while eternity shall last.
December 30, 1873. My health has been very poor the last two weeks, not able to do any work. On the third day of this month there commenced a dreadful snow storm, such as has never been known in this country. It last six days snowing night and day but melting a good deal at the same time. Which left it hard on the ground from twenty inches to two feet deep, which made the roads impassable for several days and took much labor to break them so that teams could pass. Many loads of potatoes on the road between Bellevue and Kanarrah were left and froze solid. The snow still covers the ground from eight to ten inches deep.
March 23rd. It has been a very cold stormy winter. Therefore, much stock has died on the range this winter in many places. My health has been tolerably good this far. This being my seventy second birthday, I jot down the following. MUSINGS
In the evening pure and holy
Oh my lifes declining day
I am sitting sweetly musing
Over Scenes long passed away
Thinking of the one that pledged me
Her sweet love while life should last
Since the day that we were wedded
Nearly fifty years have passed.
Memory brings her oft before me
As she was when gay and young
And still hear the pleasing accounts
Falling from her joyful tounge.
Death soon took her from my bosom
Over my life a gloom to cast
Since my cottage was made lonely
Nearly forty years have passed.
While the holy recollections
Of the time she passed away
Never can be driven from me
By the shadows of the day.
Yes my love for her how sweetly
It doth with me live and last
Since I felt its Heavenly wooing
Nearly fifty years have passed.
Now I feel the Heavenly portals
Opening to me here below
And the glory streaming through them
Earthly beings seldom know.
For I hear her sweetly singing
Feel the kiss she first imprinted
Nearly fifty years have passed.
Sweet the voices of my loved ones
Stealing through the mists of time
Wafted by the Holy Zephyrs
From the pure Celestial clime.
Patient waiting for my exit
Life cannot much longer last
Since my friends announced my birthday
Two and seventy years have passed.
April 9, 1874. This day my sixth child of my wife Margaret was born at a quarter past ten o'clock in the evening, being her third son. 17th. Today I blessed my little son, it being the eighth day since he was born and called his name Jeremiah, it being given by inspiration several months before he was born.
June 30th. Today I started to go to Hillsdale with my wife Susan. Went to Hamiltons Fort and stopped at Sister Fifes all night. Went to Parowan next day and stopped all night. Next morning started on, and camped for the night. Next morning started on, and camped for the night in the canyon below Bear Valley. Next day arrive at Hillsdale about noon on Friday. On Sunday preached to the people and blessed two infant grandchildren, one the son of my Nephi, and the other the son of my son David, and on Tuesday the 7th of July, started home and arrived on Friday the 10th.
Saturday the 11th there came over Bellevue the worst hail storm I ever saw making almost entire destruction of all kinds off fruit and vegetation.
August 12th. Today feeling as though my daughter Sariah was in grief. I wrote her an encouraging letter with the following lines. TO MY DAUGHTER SARIAH
God bless you my daughter forever
With comfort in sorrow and care
And power with trials to severe
That fills your kind heart with despair.
The Lord will soon come in His glory
To end the Saints bondage and strife
And John will come too! and restore thee
To mansions prepared for his wife.
Be patient and faithful in duty
No honors are found in this world
Like diadems forming with beauty
To crown you with glory, dear girl.
August 3, 1879. The following lines are written and sent to my sister Ester M. LeBaron of Salt Lake City and should have been recorded before the last date. TO MY SISTER
Do you remember dearest sis
That quaint old house where you were bred
And where I gave you many a kiss
Of love, and blessing on your head
Before your childhood days were fled.
The little brook that rippled by
Amid the grass and flowers so sweet
A mothers hand too! always nigh
To safely guide your wandering feet
And make your presence all complete.
The heavens above so clear and blue
With souls sweet ways to cheer and light
The play grounds that your footsteps knew
While seeking flowers so pure and bright
Which filled your heart with sweet delight.
Still that dear spot with grass so green
And sweetest flowers s till bloom as fair
As when we left the place I wean
Where friends had spent much toil and care
Oh! Shall we ever more be there.
Our joys pass by, and so does Spring
Gives place to bring the summer near
And Lo! the birds loose heart to sing
When autumn leaves are brown and sear
Which shows that winter ports are near.
August 25, 1874. Today there came over Bellevue another heavy hail and rain storm, which done much damage to what fruit and vegetables there were left from the other storm of the 11th of July.
August 27th. Today I wrote the following little poem entitled. ALMERA
Through the orchard lies Almera
Little maiden with light hair
Gathering apples with ripe peaches
That are falling here and there.
Searching grapes and flowers in garden
Laughing in her childish glee
Teasing all her little playmates
Who so full of joy as she.
Thee times has the vintage fruited
Since she came into our cot
When our hearts all made joyful
That her care should be our lot.
May the Holy Spirit guide here
That it may with her be well
Until she returns to glory
When she came with us to dwell.
Another little darling
Is sent to us from heaven
His name is Jeremiah
By inspiration given.
The holy spirit whispered
Ere we his face did see
To name and bless a stranger
A prophet he shall be.
To share the holy mantle
Of him whose name he takes
Like him to give the message
To whom Jehovah speaks.
Oh then, our little darling
With wisdom, love and grace
Our father will sustain you
And help you fill your place.
October 1, 1874. My feelings today are represented in the following. PRAYER
Oh God to thee ascends my prayer
At morning, noon, and eve
This through thy hand of love and care
Each blessing I receive.
Then let thy spirit Lord abide
Forever in my breast
And be my ever faithful guide
To my eternal rest.
Fill oh, fill my thirsty soul
With wisdom, love and peace
And every act of life control
And all my joys increase.
Oh let no evil ones combine
My faith to overthrow
But fill my heart with light devine,
Their councils all to know.
And may true righteousness abound
In me, thy law to fill
And every deed and work be found
Responsive to thy will.
May I be with the quickened ones
Who have the truth maintained
Rise in the cloud and owned thy Sons
With crowns and kingdoms gained.
There was another dreadful hail storm at about four o'clock this afternoon, and destroyed much of the fruit left from the other storms. My prospects for bread and clothing for a large family mostly cut off but it is the Lords business to provide and he knows what is for our best good.
October 3rd. I thought today I would jot down the following prayer which has been running in my mind for the last two days. A PRAYER
Father oh! remember me
Bless me with thy keeping
Grant that I may never be
In the cold grave sleeping.
May I see the glorious day
Longby Saints expected
When old things are passed away
And the new prespected.
With old Satan in his chain
And in prison staying
While over earth the Lord shall reign
And all Him obeying.
More welcome than sunshine
Dispersing each cloud
Is the smiles of a friend
When our cares on us crowd.
Yes brighter than sunshine
With light to impart
Is a kind uttered word
To a woe stricken heart.
Oh! Father as I fall asleep
Thy spirit's light to me impart
Forgive my sins and safely keep
From sin my heart.
Let some kind spirit guard my bed
And make my peace and rest complete
Thy love and kindness over me spread
Sleep then is sweet.
At peace with all the world and thee
No fears, dear Lord, my faith can shake
All's well which side the grove for me
Daylight may break.
December 1, 1874. Today I baptized and confirmed my little son Joseph Hills he being eight years old today. He is to become a printer and publisher not only of my book but many others brought forth by the Saints of the last day, and is to become a great man in Israel by publishing the Gospel to many people. The Lord bless him forever.
December 27, 1874. Today my feelings are composed in the following. PRAYER
Upward Oh! Lord I stretch my hand
In solemn prayer to thee
To send some messenger of love
And show thy will to me.
And fill my soul with living faith
Combined with love that's pure
To cleanse and purify my heart
Thy friendship to secure.
Thy faith thine ancient Saints possessed
That lives and never ends
And make them living friends to thee
For thou wilt bless thy friends.
March 23, 1875. Being my birthday and 73 years of age I wrote the following. PEACE OF MIND AND CONFIDENCE IN GOD
I would not loose my peace of mind
For all the proud calls good and great
Or change the lot to be assigned
For kingdoms with their pomp of state.
Or loose my Heavenly Father's love
For all the earth can give or fame
Or loose His smiles and kind approve
To gain of man the noblest name.
Or loose my home and friends so dear
On Zions mount all power to gain
Or loose the Saints sweet love and cheer
For all the treasure Kings obtain.
Or loose my thankfulness to God
For blessing I from Him receive
Of wives and children loved and good
For all the glory earth can give.
In the afternoon my sons Nephi and Seth came over from Hillsdale. Also Sixtus and Joel from Johnson with my wife Susan and her son David from Toquerville, all came to visit father on his birthday. I was very glad to see so many of my family together once more.
March 24th. We all took dinner together and had a good time in the afternoon. We all came together with those that are there and I organized them into the order of the sons of Joel. I was chosen president, Sixtus and Nephi being counselors, and Seth, secretary. The object of this organization is to enter into an organized system of keeping a record of and educating the sons and daughters of Joel and to keep them from running astray after habits, fashions, customs, and the unclean things of the Gentiles and to observe strictly the laws, rules, and customs of the Saints of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
December 6th, 1875. Since the last date I have labored mostly on my farm, made tolerable good crops. My health has been tolerably good for an old man. Yesterday attended meeting at Brother Sylvesters, confirmed three children that had been baptized and blessed a small child of Brother Joseph A. Birch. Gave him the name of George A. Sylvester Birch. Our prayer to God has been day and night for a long time to give me wisdom, knowledge, and power to know and do his will on the earth and to escape the power of the destroyer and live to see the time when there shall not be a dog to move his tounge against the pure in heart in all his holy mountain.
December 15th. I have not written much since I returned from my mission to the states in 1860. Since that time my health has been better that it had been for many years. Since then I have been moved about by council and my own judgement so often that I have had but little time or opportunity to write, neither have I had a convenient place for that purpose and have had to labor almost unceasingly to support my family having but little or no means to go on or to assist me. Nevertheless, I have written a few poems now and then.
January 5, 1876. I went to St. George to do some business and had a very rainy time. Stopped with my brother Joseph E. Johnson until Saturday. I went down and saw the temple, did my business, and returned to Hannah Johnson's at Washington. Gave her a Patriarchal or Fathers blessing, also her son in law William Gott. I also blessed the two little children of James Carlton son in law to my brother Joseph.
March 15th, 1876. Received a telegram from Salt Lake City informing me that my sister Esther M. LeBaron had died in the morning at 7 o'clock.
Adieu dear sister thou art gone
Depart friends of ours to meet
Our work for them to forward on
And their redemption made complete.
March 23rd, 1876. Today being my 74th birthday, I expected all my sons and many others of my family to meet at my house to celebrate the occasions by coming to a better understanding of and assisting to perfect the order of the sons of Joel, but was very disappointed for only David, Joel, and Almon of my sons were there with Henry Martineau, my grandson. David's and Henry's wives with Anna Hilton my granddaughter and Nancy Riggs my niece were present. There were all except my two wives Janet and Margaret with their children. We had no records of the last meeting, therefore done no business. After dinner we all met together and I gave them a lecture on various subjects, appertaining to a common course off conduct and family matters. We had a good time although but few were present. In the evening I gave a fathers blessing to my oldest daughter, Sariah and also to Anna Hilton, my granddaughter, and to Almon B., my youngest son by my wife Susan.
April 6th. Today my seventh child by my wife Margaret was born at half past five o'clock in the morning, a daughter.
April 17, 1876. Today I bless my little daughter and gave her the name of Margaret Hannah. God bless her forever
And shield her from strife
His spirit too! give her
To guide her through life.
May 12th, 1876. I went to st. George and stopped with my brother J.E. Johnson and attended conference on Saturday and Sunday and heard Presidents Young and Wells preach with several others of the Elders who gave a first rate instruction while the spirit of the Lord was truly manifest among speakers and hearers. I had a very good time and returned home on Tuesday 16th. While there I gave blessings to several of my kindred and on my return, found my son in law James H. Martineau at my house very sick with cough and pain in his breast. Laid hands on him and he seemed much better. I also gave him a patriarchal or fathers blessing.
May 31st. Last night a terrible wind blew like a hurricane all night, and strewed the ground with apples, pears, peaches, plums, and cherries, and all kinds of tree fruit. Grape vines terribly whipped to pieces and many apple trees nearly stripped of their foliage.
June 21st, 1876. Wednesday evening, my son James F. Johnson and Mary J Wilson were married at his mothers house by myself.
June 24th. I went to Kanarrah on business. Preached to the people on Sunday. Had a very good time with good attention from the people and returned home on Monday.
September 15th, 1876. My health is very good for an old man for which I am very thankful. What honors can there ever be
That I can render unto thee
What homage bring
For health and blessings long and gree
That Thou hast granted unto me
Oh God, my King.
November 3rd, 1876. Feel very much the effects of old age but still feel strong hopes that I shall live to see the quickening time when Satans reign shall end and hear my Father say to me enough
Take your station higher
Break the bands of Satan off
And to me come higher.
March 23, 1877. Had lines written for my 75th birthday not recorded through mistake.
March 27th, 1877. Today at 12 o'clock, Mary Elizabeth, my second daughter by my wife Margaret died aged twelve years, seven months and ten days, being born on the 16th of August, 1864. She was a faithful, dutiful, loving, and affectionate child and faithful saint and was far the best scholar I ever had in my family of her age. The morn was bright but all was dark
For grief and tears filled every eye
The shaft of death had pierced its mark
And sundered many a kindred tie.
For there she lay our dearest friend
Our daughter in the bloom of life
Her toils and cares all at an end
And she beyond this world of strife.
Our child whose sun did rise so clear
Hath set in darkness ere the noon
Her care and love so kind and ear
Has passed away! that heavenly boon.
At Mary's death, Esther was sick nigh unto death with the same disease and had been all through her sickness. Several of the other children also were sick, and my health was very poor indeed. We had no family gathering on my birthday, therefore, done no business in regard to the order of the sons of Joel.
April 15th, 1877. My health continues very poor. Not able to do any business of consequence and we all feel very lonesome and sad on account of Mary's death.
July 1st, 1877. This morning a little domestic gloom fell up my household. Ah, ha, such is life. THE CAUSE
Good Adams greatest wishes
To do his Fathers will,
By Eve was disregarded
While gloom upon them fell.
The greatest imposition
On man as time records
Is wives while disregarding
The wishes of their Lord.
December 26, 1877. Today my oldest daughter by my wife Margaret was married to Samuel Orton in the Temple at St. George. God bless them forever with long life and peace
Like Abraham's seed may their offspring increase.
January 7, 1878. Oh! how my heart pangs for, and longs, the time to come, when I shall cast off the effects of mortality, sin, sorrow, sickness, pain and death, or as Paul has it "The body of this sin and death." When I can amount upon wings as an Eagle (as the Prophets have said) "And run and not be weary and walk and not faint. And go from Nation to Nation, from City to City and from town to town, and from house to house and to the ends of the earth, to preach the news of Salvation to the honest, and to become one of the Angles (Within life or death) That Christ will send forth at His Second Coming to gather up His elect or pure in heart, from the four corners of the earth. Those messengers I think are yet to be called and qualified for that purpose. How long, dear Father shall it be,
I ask thee! (now again)
Before I shall have power from thee
To cast off Satans chain.
That it may on his neck be placed
A thousand years to stay
For which may time more swiftly haste
And bring the welcome day.
When all the Saints shall thus be freed
And the millennial morn
Shall usher in, and Christ indeed
Again to earth return.
Old Satan bound, cannot go forth
To tempt men to rebel
While all the nations of the earth
In peace and safety dwell.
January 27th. Attended meeting at Brother Sylvesters and had a good time in speaking to the Saints. After meeting blessed two children, one belonging to Joseph Birch and the other to Erastus McIntire. A PRAYER
Dear Father hear my constant cry
That thou wouldst unto me draw nigh
And fill my soul with light
And the full power of endless life
To guide me through this world of strife
That none my peach may blight
And grant me power, and on me seal
The gift of faith the sick to heal
Foul spirits too! displace
That deaf and lame may hear and walk
The blind and dumb too see and talk
And give to God the praise.
February 1st, 1878. SONGS OF PRAISE
Praise God the Father, King of Kings
Praise God the Son who freely brings
Salvation to all
Praise to the Comforter be given
Sent to direct all those to Heaven
Who hear the Gospel call
I'll praise the Father and the Son
And Holy Comforter as one
While on the earth I stay
And should I stop behind the veil
My songs of praise shall never fail
In worlds endless day.
March 22nd, 1878. My mind for the past two days has been occupied in writing my seventy sixth birthday review, which is recorded in another book.
March 23rd. This being my birthday my sons Sixtus and Nephi with their wives (or parts of families) and Joel and Almon came over from Johnson with Sariah my oldest daughter from Virgin City to Celebrate their father's birthday, it being my 76th. We had dinner at 2 o'clock and the next morning I gave Patriarchal or Father's blessings to several of my family. In the afternoon we met together to talk over and counsel about family matters. I gave them counsel and instruction and we were all edified and blessed. The next day all returned home.
Tuesday 25th. Today my eight child by my wife Margaret was born at four o'clock in the morning, a son.
April 2nd. Today I blessed my little son and named him Amos Partridge. Amos after the old Prophet Amos. And still another pet lamb
Is added to our fold
Who shall be priest and prophet
As Amos was of old
Whose name we freely give him
And unto his restore
The priesthood power and mantle
That ancient prophets were.
April 25th. Today I married my daughter Margaret by my wife Janet to David Frederick. God bless and preserve them
From folly and strife
With bountiful increase
And pleasure through life.
July 3rd, 1878. I write the following lines to represent my present thoughts and feelings. My heart doth rejoice in
My blessings today
I'm rich as the richest
For this I can say
My Father in Heaven
All needful doth send
The virtuous love me
And He is my friend.
My conscious closer as
The rays of the sun
I never have fear of
A foe have I one
For He and His Servants
Are greater than all
And everything evil
Before them shall fall.
October 27th, 1878. Blessed the infant daughter of James H. Carlton and gave the name of Diadama Wheeler. God bless the little innocent
And ever be her friend
Long life and pleasure give her
And offspring without end.
November 21st, 1878. When I look around and see the sinfulness and folly of the young men of Israel who profess to be, and should be Saints, how my heart is pained for the cause of Zion. Oh! Zion when I love with all my heart and soul. How are thy sons and daughters becoming defiled with the customs and fashions of their gentile neighbors. With repentance and forsaking of their follies, thy beautiful land will soon be laid waste by those enemies. A PRAYER
Father let me be endowed
With the grace expected
When all knees to thee are bowed
And with love perfected
May I live on earth to see
Heavenly love and union
Shared by all and all with thee
Having sweet communion
Hasten on the glorious day
With its love and blessing
When old things are passed away
And the new progressing.
January 1st, 1879. This completes my 76th New Years Day. How many more shall I see in this probation I know not. The Lord's will be done and not mine. Few or many, my feelings today is set forth in the following prayer. Through works with faith and love combined
May I Oh! Lord not come behind
The chiefest of thy faithful one
Who are or may be owned thy sons.
Inspire me in thy holy cause
To know and understand the law.
That will unite thy Saints in one
In the true order of thy son.
That all may work with one accord
Not for themselves, but for the Lord
Then Zion will arise and shine
And fill the earth with light divine.
January 11th, 1879. Today I started on the mission given my by President John Taylor together up my family and colonize them at some place in Arizona, and organize them in the unified order. I went to Virgin City and stopped for the night, held meetings at the usual place, gave a lecture to the people, had a large gathering, good attention, and a good time. Next day drove to Cedar Ridge and camped for the night. The next day drove to Kanab and stopped for the night. Had no meeting, their house had just been painted inside and not fit for use. Next day drove to Johnson and stopped with my son Nephi, my sons came together. I instructed them in relation to the mission given my by President Taylor, they all seem willing to hearken.
January 15th. Had meeting. Had a good congregation and good attention. Preached to the people several times many of them seemed to take an interest in my Arizona mission. I gave Patriarchal blessings to about 30 of my kindred and friends and started for home on Monday 20th, and came to Kanab and preached in the evening to a large and attentive congregation. The next morning my son Seth came over from Hillsdale to see me and I stopped with him through the day and blessed several most of my kindred and friends. Started the following morning and camped in t he evening at Cedar Ridge and the next day came to Virgin City and preached in the evening to a good congregation and had a good time and arrived home on Friday the 24th of January 1879. Heavenly Father fill thy servant
With he gift of inspiration
To advance to cause of Zion
In the work of her salvation.
Lo! her foes are strong and many
Who have long her cause mistreated
Help me wage eternal warfare
Till they all shall be defeated.
February 11th, 1879. On the 30th of January six days after my return from Johnson, my little son Jeremiah was taken sick with Diphtheria and died on the eighth of February. Aged four years and ten months lacking one day. While sick he often called for his father to bless him, which I did. I often went by myself in secret prayer in his behalf, but could get no testimony that he would recover, and when I saw that he was to be taken from me, I asked the Lord what I should do with the promise he made me before he was born. When he told me to go bless him and give him the name of Jeremiah and ordain him a Prophet, and thus came the answer "Go and ordain him a High Priest and anoint him a King and Priest to God, He is still able to give his word to the nations and assist to gather his elect from the four winds of the earth." So I saw at once that the Lord was taking all the purest spirits back again behind the veil to place them in a school directed by the Prophets and the spirits of just men made perfect, to prepare them for the great work still before them. They come to take tabernacles and are taken away again because they cannot be trained up unto the Lord, where hypocrisy, profanity and other wickedness is practiced among those who profess to be saints. Father save the pure in heart from all evil
While the wicked have their part, with the Devil.
February 23rd. Started to go to Parowan, went as far as Kanarrah and preached to the people in the evening. Had a fine congregation who paid good attention to what was said and had a good time. Next day went to Parowan and preached to the people there on the evening of the 25th and had a large congregation who paid good attention to what was said and seemed well edified. The next day started for home and arrived on the 27th. OUR LOVED ONES DEAD
How quietly they sleep
Where nothing can molest
Their eyes with tears no more can weep
So perfect is their rest.
They never more can know
The grief they used to share
Their ears are deaf to every woe
That mortals have to bear.
Their tongues and lips a re still
And cannot move again
Where once their kisses gave a thrill
There's naught but grief and pain.
But soon from out yon cloud
That then will wrap the skies
Will Michael call both long and loud
And bid our dead arise.
Their forms divinely fair
Will leap forth from the tomb
To meet their friends where e'er they are
All in immortal bloom.
March 16, 1879. Started in company with my wives Susan and Janet and daughter Esther with my son David and family to go to St. George to do some Temple Work for ourselves and dead. Drove to Harrisburg and camped for the night. Next day arrived at St. George.
March 18th. Commenced work in the Temple. I received endowments in behalf of my father. We labored in the Temple for ourselves and dead until Friday afternoon and returned home.
March 24th. Started with my wife Margaret and child and little son Ezekiel to go to Hillsdale. Stopped with Brother Allen at Kanarrah overnight. Next day went to Parowan and stopped with my sister. Next day went to Panguitch and stopped with Alma Barney and on the 27th arrived in Hillsdale about noon. Preached in the evening to the people who gave good attention. Next day looked about some to see some to see what I had better do. For I had understood that Brother Taylor had finally left the matter of my Arizona mission to Brother Snow who decided that I had pioneered enough and was too old to make a new settlement in the new country. He counseled me if I wished to leave Bellevue to Hillsdale and build a flouring mill.
March 29th. Preached to the people again in the evening and next morning started for home and came to Panguitch on Sunday the 30th and preached to the people at 2 o'clock and had a good congregation and a good time. Next day started for home and came to Parowan and preached in the evening to a good congregation and had a good time in speaking and attention from the people. Arrived home on Wednesday, April 2nd, 1879.
April 7th, 1879. Bargained or sold my farm orchards, vineyards, etc. to Andrew F. Grogerson for the sum of $3,000.
April 9th. Today my daughter Julia Ann Orton died in childbirth at Parowan. Her child, a daughter, was stillborn. She left eight children and had lost four. I attended her funeral on the eleventh. Her corpse was carried directly to the graveyard. All Parowan seemed to be there. An immense congregation. I stepped up into a wagon and spoke to them, about twenty minutes, and I seldom saw such a gust of grief in my life as was manifest from old and young, male and female with the general expression. She was such a good woman. She was a kind, virtuous, and faithful companion, a tender loving and affectionate mother. Her loss can never again be made good to her husband, children and friends, until she takes up her tabernacle again in the resurrection.
Dear lovely daughter sweetly rest,
Till Michael calls thee forth,
With those that are, and shall be blessed
To reign with Christ again.
April 18th. Started for Hillsdale and arrived there on Monday, the 21 expecting to meet my son Nephi there, but was disappointed. Done some business in regard to the mill, building and moving. Preached to the people on Sunday the 27th and started for home on Monday, and arrived on the first day of May.
May 21, 1879. It has never been so dry at this season of the year since my acquaintance with Bellevue. At the present time, every green thing seems to be drying up. Only a small stream of water once a day from the mountains. If no rain comes we shall soon be without water. My testimony for the last forty eight years has been and still is: that I know that God lives, for I have felt his hand and heard his voice. I also know that in the dispensation of fullness of the Gospel brought forth through Joseph Smith is God's handy work! For his voice has declared it unto me! This is my living and dying testimony to every human being upon the face of the whole earth, even so, Amen. Joel H. Johnson, High Priest in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the only living church of God on the earth. Since Lord thou hast the truth restored
Through Joseph in my youth
I've sought to live by every word
Proceeding from thy mouth.
While sitting by him day or night
The words of life to hear
My heart was filled with love and light
Devoid of doubt and fear.
I know that every word was true
Through thy sweet voice to me
And now to all the fact renew
That dwell on land or sea.
June 5th, 1879. Started for Hillsdale in company with my little son Ezekiel, who drove my carriage and also with my son in law David Frederick who drove a team for me loaded with dried fruit and dry goods which I took over to pay for work on the mill. But when I came there I was told by my son Seth that on account of the extreme drought at Johnson and vicinity, President Snow had released my son Sixtus from the office of Bishop at Johnson and advised him to move his flocks of sheep, goats, and cattle into Arizona and told him that I had better go with him if I still wanted to go. I then drove over to Johnson to see my son Sixtus on the subject, and consulting with him on the subject, I concluded to give up mill building and moving to Hillsdale and go to Arizona with my son Seth to sell for me and preached to the people on Sunday June 15th and found that there was no water within three or four miles of the place only what was hauled from Toquerville. With front trees and vegetables of every kind all drying up and dying.
July 12th, 1879. Such a terrible drought I have never known before in my life all kinds of vegetation is drying up and dying with fruit and leaves drying and falling from the trees, there has been no rain to do good or water in the streams since May. I have had to haul all my water from Toquerville since the first of June, never saw the sky so blue as it has been for the last two months. In the summer before in my life I have planted nothing this season on account of the drought and shall raise nothing. The following lines speaks my feelings today. Dear Lord while I upon thee call
Make known thy will to me
That I may justify do I with all
And humbly walk with thee.
Be merciful, true, just, and kind
More loving, meek, and mild
More to thy heavenly will resigned
And like a faithful child.
Give me more wisdom, faith, and grace
To know and love thee still
And faithful labor in each place
That I am called to fill.
July 24th. Yesterday there fell a little rain up north with a small sprinkle here which did but very little good, there was a small stream came down North Ash Creek a little of which I run on to some of my fruit trees and vines. The prospect looks very poor for any more rain. I feel to render to my Heavenly Father this morning the following lines, song of Praise. Praise God from whom all good proceeds
Praise him all ye, of righteous deed,
Praise him all things that live on earth
Praise him ye hosts of heavenly birth
Praise to the Son our Lord from Heaven
Praise to the Holy Ghost be given
Praise to the three, the great I am
Praise Heaven and Earth, His Holy name.
There was no celebration here. The most of the people having moved away on account of the drought.
July 28th. Still have to haul water from Toquerville, seven miles over a terrible road, to answer all the requirements of household economy, which brings upon me a very heavy tax. The Lords hand seems to be upon us for our wickedness. He is taking away many of our little ones by Diphtheria and other diseases, and sending drought upon many parts of the territory. Some of the people who profess to be Saints think that it is no matter what they do if they are not cut off from the church. Therefore, they will lie, steal, cheat, rob, and do anything by which they can get money, and if they can keep in the church they are all right. And there is so many of them that abode or assist each other that it is very difficult to catch them. These things cause a great loss of confidence and much disunion among the Saints. By this means as a people come very far short of constituting Zion which the Lord says is the pure in heart. LOVE FOR ZION
Oh Zion, how I love
Thy great and holy cause
Could I thy wicked foes remove
And safe enforce thy laws.
How would I leap for joy
And labor day and night
Their evil works all to destroy
And put their hosts in flight.
That Zion may arise
And cause her light to spread
Till every people in surprise
Shall find her at the head.
Then let her cause roll forth
Oh, Father, and prevail
Till all the nations of the earth
Shall find themselves the tail.
August 17th. This terrible drought continues. South wind almost scorching hot. The large yellow hornets are terrible thick. We have set out water for them or we cannot keep them out of the house. No signs of rain. The following lines have been on my mind for some time. Holy Spirit power divine
Ever dwell with me and mine
Every evil thought remove
Fill our souls with light and love.
Life and peace let us impart
Let thy grace fill every heart
That our feet may never stray
From the straight and narrow way.
Clothe us with Eternal lives
All our daughters, sons, and wives
We ask all to the resign
Seal us Lord forever thine.
August 29th. Terribly hot and dry. Sky wonderfully blue. No prospect of rain. In looking over the newspapers I find the U.S. Government is doing their best to stop the Saints from emigrating to Utah. They accuse all foreign Mormon emigration of being criminals, whose object in coming to the U.S. is to break her laws. The corruption of the U.S. Government will soon come to an end. The sword of justice will soon drop. The government cannot bear to have one Saint left in the United States. The government is trying hard
To stop the Saints from emigrating
But when they fight against the Lord
They find his hand their works abating.
A few good men with God their friend
Is sure to prove majority
And when the powers of earth contend
Will find themselves the minority.
Then let them work and falsehood speak
It soon will turn to their vexation
Without repentance God hath said
He would come out and vex the nation.
August 29th, 1879. Started to go to Parowan after the flour arrived there. In the afternoon of the 30th found the family of my son in law Samuel Orton sick and in affliction. They had buried one son the day before and that evening another died and was buried on Sunday the first of September. This is the fourth child they have lost since the 9th of April when their mother died. All from the affects of Scarlet fever. I preached to the people on the occasion and had a good time for the spirit of the Lord was manifest to all. On Monday I started home with my flour and arrived on Tuesday the 3rd of September. Found all well.
September 17th. Very hot and dry with no signs of rain. This drought will be at least one thousand and five hundred dollars damage to me before the year comes around. The Lord knows what is for the best of his people. I covet not silver or gold, or the riches and honors of this world, but do verily desire and covet faith, wisdom, and understanding to know and understand the things of God, and his will concerning me. My God to thee my soul looks up
Thy grace my thoughts employ
Thou are my glory, life, and hope,
And found of every joy.
When foes combine! And thou are friend
My victory is won
Their works of darkness quickly end
Like night before the sun.
Thy praise shall ever be thy theme
Thy cause my heart inspires
To glorify Thy Holy Name
Fulfills my chief desires.
October 6, 1879. The first snow on the mountains this fall fell last night with a little rain in the valley but not enough to bring any water.
October 13th. A little more snow on the mountain last night, but no rain to do any good in the valleys.
December 5th, 1879. I was taken sick on the 27th or October with a dreadful cough and a death like weakness pervading my whole system. I have been confined to my bed and house most of the time since. Not able to do any business whatever. I have felt a little better for the last few days, but very weak yet. There has been some rain with a good deal of snow on the mountains, but not water damming down the stream to haul from Toquerville still.
January 1st, 1880 has come in with much snow and cold weather. Yes Seventy and nine has passed away
And eighty comes rushing in
Old time sweeps on and cannot stay
To reprimand the man of sin
Revealed in Christians who combine
With fraud, deception, lies and cheat
To rob the Saints, imprison and fine,
And their expulsion to complete.
Another Christian Crusade against the Saints is on hand, petitions pouring into Congress from all sides to enact laws to proscribe the Saints in their rights of Citizenship by disenfranchising all who believe in Celestial marriage. While Congress seems determined to put down plural marriage, even to extermination if it cannot be done without, the motto of Congress and all Christendom at the present seems to be Fines and prisons to wives to keep
All right with courtesans to sleep.
I think this nation will beat the Antideluvians or Sodomites for seduction, prostitution, and whoredom. My health is still very poor, not able to do anything. No water in the streams yet, have to melt snow for water. Fair warm days with cool night. Snow about six inches, very hard. Father hear my constant cry
For thy love and favor
Through this year to me draw nigh
Seal me with thine forever.
May I through this year have peace
From all sin Salvation
And by blessing all increase
Free from tribulation.
January 7th. Today I received the news of the death of my daughter Margaret (by my wife Janet). She was the wife of David Frederick Junior. She died in childbirth on December 19, 1879, aged 29 years and nine months. Born on the 19th of March, 1850. She was a kind, faithful, and affectionate young women. Her child, a daughter, was still born, at Hillsdale, Iron County, Utah. TO MAGGIE
Go Maggie to thy rest in peace
And join thy kindred there
For thou hast found a sweet release
From every toil and care.
Thy friends will greet thee there with joy
Who long have gone before
Where peace and love without alloy
Shall reign forever more.
Or till the resurrection morn
When Christ again appears
And all the dead to earth return
To dwell a thousand years.
With honor then we all shall meet
Our daughter, sons, and wives
Our glory then will be complete
Crowned with eternal lives.
January 20th. Went down to Silver-Reef to do some business with my brother, and got the patent for my homestead. Done my business and returned in the evening. Quite warm weather. Snow all gone from the valley. Some water down North Ash Creek. My health a little on the mend but feel very weak and lame, feel quite lonesome, yet feel to offer the following prayer to my Heavenly Father. Oh! Father keep me safe from strife
O'er all my ways preside
In every though and act of life
Be thou my daily guide.
That I may spend my remnant days
From all confusions free
And know with joy, in all my ways
I have been led by thee.
And when I pass behind the veil
Let joy thy bosom fill
That while on earth, I did not fail
To know and do thy will.
January 28th. Last night there came of heavy snow storm from the north with high wind which is drifting the snow badly.
February 2nd. For the last four days there has been a terrible wind drifting all the snow in the roads into heaps and covering them with sand. Terrible cold. Candlemas Day but not a cloud to be seen.
February 19th. Today is quite warm, but the most of this month (so far) has been very cold and windy. I think this is the worst winter so far that we have had since I have lived here. My general health seems to be good, but I am very weak and not able to do anything, but write a little. THE LORD MY GUIDE
Oh! Lord thou art my hope and guide
My light by night and day,
Help me thy council to abide
And walk the narrow way.
Clothe me with wisdom, faith and love
That I may never stray
Or do what thou dost not approve
But walk the narrow way.
Thou art my glory, life and pride,
My fortress, shield and stay
My true and everlasting guide
To walk the narrow way.
March 1st, 1880. Weather unsettled. My health poor, very weak, not able to work. Today Sister Hanks came over with two small children for me to bless, which I willingly did. God bless the little one with peace
And keep them safe from sin
That they in wisdom may increase
And crowns of glory win.
March 12th. Yesterday was a very fine, warm day, and I sent Joseph and Ezekiel to Parowan for flour, and last night there came up a storm from the North, and it has been very stormy with snow and high wind all day. hope the boys will return safe.
March 15th. The boys returned today about noon having suffered much with cold.
March 19th. Went to Silver Reef to see my brother, but he was gone to St. George. Done no business and came home.
March 23rd. This is my seventy eighth birthday. In reviewing my past life, I do not see how I could have bettered it much under the circumstances. My principle object through life has been to deal justly, love, mercy, and walk humbly with God, and to build up Zion for which I have labored unceasingly for the last forty eight years, by preaching the principles of life and salvation to the people and donation to gather up the poor saints from the Nations. A PRAYER FOR ZION
Show mercy unto Zion Lord
That faith and truth with love divine
And righteousness may be restored
That all her children may be thine.
Give life and health to all thine own
Let peace and friendship with them blend
That every virtue may be known
And wickedness may have an end.
That all thy saints with one accord
May unto thee their homage bring
And thou forever be adored
As Zions Savior, Lord, and King.
April 6th, 1880. This day completed the fiftieth year since the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was baptized into said Church on the first day of June, 1831, which makes me a member of the church forty nine years, lacking one month and twenty five days. My age at this date is seventy eight years and fourteen days. I have raised up three families of children to manhood and am now raising my fourth consisting of a wife and six children, two having died. I have no help except two small boys, and it is very difficult to hire help therefore, I have to labor almost incessantly. The boys of my other families have all gone for themselves long ago. Some of them ought to have stopped and worked with their father, which would have been a great blessing to themselves and their aged father, who could have spent his time in writing upon the scores of different subjects that are continually crowding in his mind, but not have to be neglected.
April 25th. Went to Silver Reef to see my brother and heard letters read from A. F. McDonald of Arizona, and returned the same day.
May 21, 1880. Went down to Silver Reef to see Joseph again in regard to our mission to the Gila in Arizona, and heard very encouraging letters read from an R.R. agent there giving a fine description of the country and returned the same day.
May 24th. Appointed a family meeting at my house today to instruct my family a little and to baptize my little daughter Almera Woodard Johnson. Who should have been baptized last summer, but the water all dried up so that there was no place for baptizing. I gave an invitation for all to come who wished. Quite a number came to meeting with several other children to be baptized. Brother Samuel Gould went into the water and baptized them, being five in number, after which we had meeting and confirmed them. Brother Gould gave the children very good and timely council. I then spoke to all and gave them good instruction. We had a good time.
May 30th. Had another meeting at my house and I baptized Ebenezer W. McDougie and his wife, also Joseph Sylvester. After baptizing we had a meeting and confirmed them, there was quite a congregation present. I spoke to them upon many subjects of Christian duty after which Brother Guild gave them a short lecture.
July 18, 1880. Today we had a small shower of rain which is the first which could be called rain this summer. The water in the streams is nearly dried up. A very small stream comes down from the mountains, but once in a day with which we keep our Cisterns filled, there is none for irrigating purposes. All vegetation is being dried up. My health is very good for a man of my age for which I am very greatful to my Heavenly Father for this and every other blessing bestowed upon me. While many years have come and gone
And I have learned by day and night
His will of me, to do, when know
For He has done, and will do right.
(COPYISTS NOTE: From this book, pages are gone from page 100 to 107, and the next entry in this copy is picked up as shown in the middle of a paragraph)
That the Johnson family celebrate this day with prayers and Thanksgiving one year from this time at Johnson. Sang We thank Thee O God for a Prophet. Benediction by William Johnson Jr.
August 10, 1881. For the last month the weather has been very hot and dry, but little rain. Hot weather and old age makes me weak that I am unable to labor or move about but little.
Old age can nothing find to cure it
And those who share it, must endure it.
The following lines poetry my present feelings. I am an Ephiramite indeed
In whom no guile is found
And Zions cause too: love and plead
When foes are prowling round.
Do I with firmness bear the cross
And wave its banner high
And have no fear of shame or loss
When death looks sure and nigh.
Yes Father: thou has known me well
Through all the days of yore
And knowest that my labors tell
Thy Kingdom to restore.
That I in truth have kept thy laws
And labored with my might
To forwards Zions hold cause
With pleasure and delight.
September 5th. Attended the quarterly conference at Kanab. Brothers McAllister and Blake occupied the first day upon very interesting subjects, on the second day I spoke on my first acquaintance with Joseph Smith, this first calling and organization of the different quorums of the church, the building and dedication of the Temple at Kirtland, the persecution that followed, etc. We had a very interesting time.
October 17th. Today myself and wife Janet and son Ezekiel started to go to Bellevue. Went to Kanab and stopped for the night.
October 18th. Today my son Nephi joined me and we went to Cedar Ridge and camped for the night.
October 19th. Went to Virgin City, and stopped all night with my daughter Sariah.
October 20th. Went to Silver Reef, took dinner with my brother Joseph E. and stopped all night. Went to Bellevue next day, accompanied by Andrew Gregerson and stopped with Brother James Sylvester. Settled with Gregerson who paid me three hundred dollars towards what was still due on the farm. I took his note for the balance and gave him a deed.
April 22nd. Started for home. Stopped all night to Toquerville and made a preemption claim on 160 acres of land. Next morning went to Virgin City and preached to the people being Sunday. Then went to the Gould or Workman place and stopped for the night and arrived home on the 25th.
December 25th, 1881. So few people at Johnson this Christmas. There was no gathering of any kind and nothing done to celebrate the day.
January 1, 1882. Our new year came on Sunday. Saturday evening we had a little gathering of young folks at D. Johnsons who got up a few plays with speeches, recitations, singing. We then had pies and cakes passed around, and all seemed to have quite an enjoyable time.
January 13th. My health is very good for a man of my age, for which I feel thankful to my Heavenly Father, and also for the blessing of His Holy Spirit continually abiding with me day and night, speaking peace to my heart. I want my offspring all to know
That while this earth my feet hath trod
I've tried by works, my faith to show
And sought to live with God.
Oh! may they never come behind
Their father's love for Zion's cause
But in their labors be combine
To live by, and sustain her laws.
January 26th. When I look abroad upon this Christian Nation of the United States, and see the abominations that will soon make them desolate practiced amongst them, seductions, prostitutions, and whoredoms, and see their determined warfare against the Saints of Most High to push them to the wall, or rob them of every constitutional right, at Citizens of the United States, my soul cries out: Father, let the heavens rend
And thy Son to earth descend
Let Him quickly come again
With thy Saints to live and reign.
May old Satan soon be bound
And on earth no more be found
Let his hosts in prison wail
While o'er them thy Saints prevail.
May earth be by fire baptize
For the Saints be organized
While the wicked all are slain
And no curse on it remain.
February 1st. Ever since I have embraced the fullness of the Gospel, I have been faithful to fill every mission to which I have been called, and have always preached the Gospel to all people when I have had the opportunity, and never was asked to speak on the subject and refused, and have always responded when asked for donations to gather the poor. And have strove to live by the words of life that have come from the mouth of God. My feeling today are represented in the following lines. Like deers upon the mountains high
Where living waters never flow
Who oft must drink or faint and die
With thirst, while o'er the wilds they go
Or on the burning plain.
So, thirsty my soul to know my God
To make his glory all my theme
And walk the path that Enoch trod
And drink from lifes eternal stream
And never thirst again
February 9th. Oh! thou God of Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, with Moses and Joshua and all the Saints of the old, thou art this day my God and my friend, as thou was their God and friend when they made this earth their dwelling place. And I love thee with all my heart and soul with Thy Son Jesus Christ. While I am filled with the light of thy holy Spirit I behold the trees of the field soon to clap their hands in praise to God. And I feel to cry aloud and shout Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, to God and the lamb, forever and ever, and ever, Amen, Amen, and Amen. Isaiah 55 Chapter and 12th verse. Soon every thing that lives on earth
Though simple in their ways
In peace and love and sacred mirth
Shall sound Jehovah's praise.
February 14, 1882. My heart is often pained with sorrow, while tears run down my cheek by day and wet my couch by night, from which I cannot refrain. Could I have filled the mission given me by my Heavenly Father and President Taylor, to colonize my family and those that wished to join me somewhere in Arizona or New Mexico, and organize them in the holy order of the sons of Joel, that they may be safe when the overflowing scourge of God shall pass through the earth. Then my heart would have been filled with joy, and my spirit buoyant with hope for their safety and salvations. But my sons have scattered to the four winds, which causes my present grief. I also find that the spirit of disobedience implanted by Satan in the breast of Mother Eve has been transmitted to her daughters more or less to the present day. The words of God to Eve (Gen 3:16) "Thy husband shall rule over thee". And the words of Paul "Wives submit yourselves to you own husbands as unto the Lord". Are we not very well relished by some of her daughters in this age. I find within my own doors there is a lack of that obedience union and love that should be manifest among the sons and daughters of Zion which adds greatly to my grief and sorrow. So confident are most of the women of this age that God made a mistake in giving that rule to Adam, but meant to give it to Eve, that they contend not only for the rule of their husband, but to become Judges, Governors, Presidents, and rulers of Nations. But God will set all things right in its time. ADVERSE WIND
Blow high and let thy storm increase
O wind though cold thou art
Thou canst not change the inward peace
The summer of my heart.
Send thy cold sleet with hail and snow
And make the forests nod,
My breast still feels the sunshine glow
That ripens fruit of God.
I'll lift my head though sorrows come,
Like clouds to fill the sky
I know for me the harvest home
The vintage hour is nigh.
When fruit is ripe upon the vine,
Thus owned of God and blessed
Eternal life shall be the wine
That shall from it be pressed.
March 10th, 1882. I showed 130 of my pamphlets containing my testimony of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed by the Lord to Joseph Smith, Jr. To the senate and Legislative assembly of Congress to obtain special legislation to disenfranchise the Saints in Utah, and rob them of all their rights as American Citizens. But their greatest object is to drive them from Utah and rob them all of their possessions and property as they have before been robbed in Missouri and Illinois.
March 23, 1882. This day completes the eightieth yea of my age and a few of my friends came together at my house to celebrate the day. There were present my son Nephi Johnson and family, my brother William D. Johnson and family, his son Bishop W. D. Johnson,. Jr., and family with William Law and family, and many others. I consider this one of the happiest days of my life, a day I never expected to see when afflicted with long protracted sickness and hunter at other times by scores of wicked mobbers, some with drawn revolvers and nutcher knoves, but God hath preserved my life from disease and the power of wicked men until have the glorious opportunity of celebration of my eightieth birthday.
I received the gospel and was baptized June 1st, 1831, and have preached the same to all people where ever my lot has been cast, on mission, in public congregations, by the way side, by camp fires, and in all gatherings where opportunity has offered. Had all people that I have warned been as faithful to warn others as I had and they kept up the warnings the whole world would have been warned before now. I gave the people a lecture on various subjects which was interesting to all. Took lunch at 12 o'clock, and in the evening came together for recreations. All had a good time. Yes, eighty years have past and gone
Since I was giv'n on earth a place
Yet ever since life's early dawn
I've sought my Saviors love and grace.
And though through life I've made no show
Yet when my days on earth shall end
I wish all man to feel and know
That God has always been my friend.
For I have lived my holy word
From him, and sought to love and please
All those on whom he has conferred
The gospel power and priesthood keys.
June 1st, 1882. This day completes the fifty first year since I was baptized unto the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a few of my friends and relatives came together to celebrate the day. I read the minutes of our last meeting and related a few things that occurred in my childhood. Could remember the first application of the steam as a motive power when Fulton ran his first stream boat from New York to Albany. Could remember many of the incidents of the War of 1812 with Great Britain, heard the cannon of some battles, the battle of New Orleans took place two months after the treaty of peace. I saw the first steam boat that ran down the Ohio River, being the second one ever built. Saw the first one that ran on Lake Erie. Was acquainted with many of the soldiers of the Revolutionary war and shook hands with some of the Generals, Lafayette among the rest, had voted for most of the Presidents since Washington, etc. After which William D. Johnson, James Glover, and James F. Johnson made some remarks appropriate for the occasion.
Joel Hills Johnson died September 24,1882, in Johnson, Kane County, Utah at the age of 80 years, six months and 1 day.
This Journal transcribed by Bertha McGee (Joel's great grandaughter), her daughter Linda, and Linda's husband Chuck Harrington. The resulting text was marked up using HTML for web presentation by Bertha's son Scott.
If you have found errors in this manuscript, please understand of the conditions that we went through. Please let us know and we will gladly research and fix them. Thanks, Bertha, Linda, Chuck, and Scott.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
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